Chapter 1: Quondam

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As the snow softly fluttered down towards the ground, you could hear the faint footsteps of someone as they took steps forward, the heels of their shoes hitting against the cold, snowy ground. You could tell who this person was just by looking at their clothes. This person was wearing a very noticeable, white uniform. A shade of white that was almost the same hue as the snow beneath them. A shade of white that was quite fitting for their name.

Winter Schnee.

Winter had been walking quite calmly through the snow, after having finished a small mission, where she was needed to get some grimm out of the area. In other words, to kill all of the grimm in the area. Missions were generally a thing mostly for freelance hunters, and it was quite rare for Winter to do small missions on her own accord, but it was something that was necessary. Especially at a time like this. Winter sighed at the thought of it.

Things had changed from a long time ago. She still remembered when everything used to be all cheery and happy, but it wasn't as though happiness could last forever. Not everything was rainbows and gumdrops, and it wasn't as though Winter thought it would always be. Everything had just changed so quickly. Just in a matter of seconds. People say that things take time... but is that really true in all cases?

Things had all broken loose quickly. Everything became grim. Both metaphorically, and literally. No matter where you go, it's quite rare that you'll ever be able to find a public place free from some sort of grimm. There are a few safe havens, however, but that's mostly only for people who are able to pay the expenses of staying. More specifically, rich people. Winter knew that she would be fine, if she weren't a huntress. She could've stayed in one of these havens with her sister, Weiss, considering her father owned the Schnee Dust company. One of the richest companies in the world. Her father's company had only managed to gain more money because of the upcoming circumstances with the grimm... but it wasn't just the grimm what was causing all of this trouble.

As more grimm appeared, so did more criminals. Now, most of these said criminals were easy to capture, but there were a few who weren't as much so. Some of these criminals were actually quite smart. In fact, Winter was positive that there were some criminals that were so good at what they were doing, that maybe even their heinous acts hadn't even been discovered yet. It almost made Winter a bit unsure what to think about. Anyone near her could be a criminal, and she wouldn't even be able to know about it. But was it really something to be worrying about at a time like this? Not only that, but she was Winter Schnee, an Atlesian specialist! She'd probably be able to handle a criminal, along with many other things.


However, one thing she just quite couldn't quite grasp... Something she couldn't quite handle... was something that had to do with her sister, Weiss. After being taken back to Atlas by their father, Winter couldn't help but notice that Weiss had always seemed a bit upset. Winter always knew that she never really did have a good relationship with their father, and she had her reasons why, but was that really the reason Weiss was acting that way? Why, and what had gotten her dear sister so upset? Most people didn't actually realize how Winter felt about Weiss because of how stern she was at times. One thing for certain was that Winter cared deeply for her sister. Sure, they did have their ups and downs, but nothing would ever change the fact that Winter would always be looking out for her.

Until now.

Before she knew it, Weiss had left without a trace, leaving Winter more worried than anything. Would her sister be okay? Where had she even gone off to? Weiss hadn't left anything behind that could have given her a clue as to where she was- nothing at all. She just disappeared. Now, instead, Winter would just have to stay positive about her sister. She couldn't think of the worst, or that would make her more anxious than before. She was sure that Weiss was capable of taking care of herself by now, but judging by the masses of grimm and criminals that were now all over Remnant, Winter wasn't sure what to expect for her. All Winter knew is that she would never stop searching for Weiss. Never.

Winter was suddenly broken away from her thoughts when she felt her scroll vibrating in her pocket. She slid her pale fingers, which were even whiter in color because of the cold, into her pocket, pulling her scroll out. Her blue eyes met with the phone screen, and she soon found that she had gotten an alert from Atlas. More specifically, a voice message from Ironwood. She placed her thumb down on the screen, clicking the small play button. In a matter of seconds, she could hear the familiar tone of her boss's voice filling the air.

"Meet me in my office at 5:00 sharp. It's important."

Winter sighed and shut her scroll off before sliding it back into her pocket. 5:00 was in an hour, which gave her enough time to get back, considering she wasn't too far away. Though, she couldn't help but wonder: if this was so important, why couldn't he just tell her now?

Winter's Solstice: A RWBY Qrowin/Qrow x Winter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now