civil war ll

45 3 7

Laisha: great,just great now I need my k-9 and my ninja suit to hunt chica.

Foxy: need any help with that 'Bruce Wayne' -_-

Laisha: I am not like him!!?! I?

Chica: yes,yes you are.

Laisha: where the Vincent's sakes are you and who's your crush!!

Chica: you'll never find me batman!!

Laisha: I'm not batman!! Harley Quinn!!!

Freddy: now their using batman series.

Mike: Sush it joker I'm watching batman.

Foxy: I'll get the popcorns. Butter or original?

Freddy: butter

Mike:no original

Freddy: butter!


Mangle: this is not good.

Vincent: agreed, well I'm going to the bar now tell mike and laisha to wake me up when I'm drunk k?


Vincent: cause last time I almost put my iPhone to a blender and yelling APPLE JUICE!!! And kissed tayler swift.

Freddy: BUTTER!!


Mangle: BOTH

Mike:who's side are you even on!!!

Mangle: either.

Mike: ._.

Freddy: well that makes more sense I'm going to get pizza instead-

Chica:get your hands of my pizza DICK Grayson!!

Freddy: whaa?

Laisha: you heard it chica,kill him!!

Chica: yea,and your cousin and brownie!!

Bonnie: you have brownies in the dining room!! I want some *runs away like an idiot*

Geormarie: me too,but bonnie stop running like an idiot!!

Chica: he already left,wow, I get my machete

Geormarie: booyahkasha!!

Foxy: why you say that for? Now ninja turtles? Wow laisha,just wow.

Carl: your too much of a fangirl.

Laisha: don't judge a book by it's cover!! I'll hunt you too!!

Freddy: *runs away to hide*

Chica: I have a plan!


Carl: yea I was right the first time

Foxy: oh come on now you too laisha

Laisha: what!! I'm special.

Carl: at least I'm cute. *pouts*

Geormarie: no,I'm cuter!! And if you talk to me I'll eat you!!

Carl: make me!!

Geormarie: fine *runs down the hall yelling booyahkasha and wearing an orange bandana with nunchucks*

Carl: this.means.WAR!!

Freddy: well..this is now world war ll

Laisha: I will find you Freddy!! *runs with twin sais and a red bandana.*

Chica: yay!! Ninja war!!

Bonnie: run for your lives!!

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