Chapter 7. Before the Dance

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   Emily's POV:
Just a few more hours of hell. I couldn't wait to get out of this place, even if it's just for a couple days.

It's finally Friday, and all week I heard about was how fun the dance was going to be, what everyone was going to wear, who would be the one to spike the punch. I was just ready to go home and throw myself a pity party.

I haven't cried the past few days. Which is like a personal record, considering I've been an emotional wreck lately.

   Lunch was soon dismissed and I was released to seventh period. I walked Isabella to class and then made my way back towards home economics with Mrs. Andrews.

Lately, I've been trying to keep to myself this period. I just focus on my work and listen to my music. It's worked all week, but today was different.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked seeming genuinely concerned.

"Nothing. Just trying to keep up with my school work." I lied. I gave him a fake smile, but it didn't work this time.

"Don't lie to me woman. I've known you too long for that. But seriously, ever since lunch when I asked Caitlyn to the dance you've been distant. Why?" He said with a slight frown.

"I don't know. I've just been busy. I guess." I honestly couldn't think of anything better to tell him.

I mean what what was I supposed to say?
Yeah Hunter, I've been ignoring you because I was the one who you were supposed to take to the dance. Me. But you're too stupid to open your eyes and see that I care about you different than you see me. But no. You expect me to be all friendly and happy when I watched you pick someone else over me.

I mean, I would never not want to be around you, it's just, you're always with Caitlyn. And seeing you two together tears me apart more and more each day.

I wanted so badly to tell him that. For him to know what I was feeling. Maybe then, he'd open his eyes. See that things are different for me. But we can all dream, right?

The bell rang, finally dismissing us from class. I rushed out before Hunter had a chance to catch up with me. I heard him calling my name but I just kept walking.

Not paying attention, I bumped into someone knocking both of us on the ground. Before I realized who it was, I started picking up their books.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I probably kept rambling until I saw who I was apologizing to. Steven.

"It's alright." He chuckled and gave me his award winning smile.

Hmm, I used to be madly in love with that smile. How things have changed.

Steven Johnson. We were together for just a little more than a year. About halfway through sophomore year, I told Steven that I loved him. He returned the words and everything seemed to be going great. Then at the beginning of summer, I found out that Steven was cheating on me. And guess who with, Caitlyn.

   He tried to tell me that it was a dare and he was drunk but at the time I was heartbroken. I could never bring myself to believe him. I cried and cried all summer, thinking I somehow did something wrong. It was Hunter who put me back together.

Steven always apologized to me and tried to make me take him back, but I never did. We don't really talk much though. Or at all actually. You would think I would hate him, but I don't. I could never bring myself to hate him, and trust me, I tried.

I wanted so badly to get back at him, to make him hurt, but I couldn't. I thought of him as a test to get me ready for something better. Up to now, I thought Hunter was that something better. Now that I'm thinking about it, Steven hasn't dated anybody since our break up. Huh, I wonder what the story behind that is.

I pushed the thought aside and decided to strike up a conversation.

"Guess I've always been the clumsy one, huh?" I said smiling.

He looked shocked that I was actually talking to him. In all honesty I was too.

"Since the moment I met you." He said chucking.

I laughed to myself remembering what he was referring to. "It's not my fault you couldn't watch where you were going." I said in between laughs.

"How was I supposed to know there would be a crazy beautiful girl who just so happened to be standing behind me." He said looking at me the way I wished Hunter would.

"I've missed you. I've missed this, us." He said

I just sighed. I don't know if I'm ready for this talk right now. I was about to say bye, but he stopped me and grabbed my hands.

"Look you don't have to listen if you don't want to, but please do." He said pleading.

When I didn't move he continued.
"Let me explain everything to you. I'll let you decide, and if you give me a chance, I'll never stop trying to make it up to you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me Emily. With you in my life, everything was easier. I laughed easier, breathed easier, I lived easier knowing there was a beautiful, caring girl going through this with me. I screwed up, but let me make it up to you please." He said looking at me with so many emotions.

   I don't know if I wanted to try this again with him, or if I just liked the idea of someone actually wanting to be with me, but I said yes.

   The smile that swept his face was priceless. He picked me up while spinning me around, and I let him. I liked the way it made me feel. He was actually showing that he wanted me around, that he cared.

"Emily Stevens, will you be my date to the Spring Formal?" He asked while setting me back down.

"I'd love to." I said smiling.

Steven walked me down to the girls locker room and told me he'd pick me up at 6 tomorrow for the dance.

I just nodded as he headed the opposite way to the guy's locker room.

I couldn't help but notice out the corner of my eye, Hunter stomping past into the guys locker room looking really mad.

Damn, what was his problem?
I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Coming soon, the dance, jealousy, truth.... Stay tuned for more! ;) -lauren

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