Chapter 6 {}Roomates?{}

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Brielle's POV

So this is it, i click buy on the apartment website called PPOS and I have already bought it.

You know 250 for an apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 balcony and one kitchen is pretty good.

Now all i need to do is try and sell my house before i leave so i can get some money. I love it, its mine now.

I drive to ,wait let me rephrase that, I walk to the real estate agency because i live so close to everything. "Hi my name is Brielle Fullermen, i am here to sell my house please" i say with a sad smile on my face.

"Address please" she says with a stern voice, I don't think she's too old.

" 11 Curt street" I give it sadly because this is it, this is the time where i have to let go of the memories of when i was a kid. My thoughts were cut off when the lady asks how many people are living in the house.

"2. My brother and me." My mum and dad don't move with us because they wanted their 'privacy' and they wanted to give us space.

I arrive home and there is already a team of people putting up the sign up that says 'For sale' and i'm sad. But look on the bright side, at least i will get money before i have to leave the house for good.

2 days later

I sold the house for 800 thousand and decide to put it in my bank, obviously.

I then start packing and put all the boxes in my car straight away so I don't forget any of them. i get bored packing so i decide to put some music on and by put i mean blast. The good thing about where I live is that i have no neighbours so I get no complaints.

After I finish packing I turn off my music and take a nap. I wake up and find my brother finally home after a week. My brother went on a camp for school for a week or so he says, thats why he was MIA for a week. OH, and my parents are on a field trip, they both work together thats how they met. They are Architects so they are in India right now and coming back tonight i cant wait.

"BRANDON come down stairs i have some news" I yell to my brother who just went upstairs.

"What do you want," he says like he has just come back from a marathon

"I have good news and bad news which one first," i say with a half sad and a half happy smile on my face if that makes sense.

"Good news please," he says excited because knowing him for 17 years and him being my twin doesn't help, he love goods news.

"Well mum and dad are come back tonight," " k well you are planning everything while I take the credit for the party" I roll my eyes at his maturity and then tell him the bad news

"We are moving" he looks at me blankly before storming out the door. I run up to him before he can leave, "Espera, no lo deje. Lo siento." I say in Spanish(Translation- Wait, don't leave. I am sorry)

"Te amo" (Translation- I love you)
He sighs and turns around. As soon as his eyes find mine they soften.

"I'm sorry but I was upset because I'm always the last person to know about things" I giggle gently

"Your the first person to know, well besides the real estate agent obviously, anyway it's ok. Lo siento," he chuckles lightly as if it was a forced but I know it wasn't

"Te amo. Oh and by the way that wasn't a forced chuckle," he mentions it like he was reading my mind. How did he know.

"It's the twin power. That's how I know," OMG he read my mind

"and no I can't read your mind relax" I am so scared. Where is my brother.

" Ok stop with the creepy mind reading"

2 Days later

I go to the front desk of the apartment place, "Hi my name is Brielle and I would like my key please," I said "Last name please" she says "Fullermen" she passes us our key and gives us a quick heads up about a roommate under the name of Victor.
We have already moved in to our apartment and our parents came home all healthy and full of stories. We have settled in and start watching Netflix. I choose The Huntsman and press play while Brandon comes in with the popcorn and ice cream.

Half way into the movie there is a knock on the door. I groan and pause the movie. I get up, more like try to get up, and answer the door after what 1000 knocks. "Hi I am staying here with you for about 1 year and you have no say in this." he says not looking up from this phone to see who the heck he is talking to. You have got to be kidding me right now this ain't no Victor. This is.......

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