Chapter 5

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Erin. The fan that was hitting on Louis, Erin. "Oh my gosh," I whispered and I could tell all of us were shocked. "Who the bloddy hell does she think she is!" Louis exclaimed and began muttering every single foul word about the girl that he could think of.

I, still in shock but slightly over it, pulled out my phone and called the one person who could fix this. "Hello," the gruff voice said. "It's Jessica, we have a problem,"

"What kind of problem?" he asked concerned. I sighed, "The kind of problem that involves a stalker fan. Look at the Sugarscape website," I told him and hung up. I began pacing across the room. "Why the hell would she do that?" Harry exclaimed.

I shook my head, "Fame. Money. I don't know. It could be anything," I started going over the possibilities in my head when my phone rang. "Hello," I spoke. "Hello Jessica," a familiar voice said. "Erin!" I yelled and all eyes were on me.

I put the phone on speaker. "Yes, it's me. I know your secret. I know that you are dating Louis and that you guys aren't really cousins. If you want your secret to stay a secret you'll hand him to me, he's mine." she spat into the phone.

The guys wore disqusted looks. "Look, Erin, he's not some Ken doll that we can pass arou-" I began protesting, but she cut me off. "You'll here from me soon." and she was gone.

All of us were silent. My phone rang again, and I picked it up thinking it was Erin, but it wasn't. "Jessi, I set up a conference for tomorrow before the conference to clear it all up," Simon said and we all sighed. "Alright, thanks Uncle Simon," I said and he muttered a welcome before hanging up.

"What are we going to do?" I slumped into the couch. Louis sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "I think we know what we have to do, but it doens't mean we'll like it," he spoke and we all knew he was right.

We couldn't keep this a secret any longer. This was proving to be a difficult secret to keep, and being blackmailed didn't help. I snuggled into his chest hoping it would all be a dream.


"So, Louis, tell us about your secret girlfriend, Erin." the reporter said.

Louis gave a smile, "Erin is not my girlfriend. We met at a meet and greet and she was jealous of my real girlfriend,"

"Really, who is this girlfriend?"

"She doesn't want her identity to be known, but we will come out eventually. Also, Erin has blackmailed my cousin, jessica, saying she would make up some lie, so I wouldn't listen to her for a while," he said and shot a grin to the reporter.


Smiling softly at Louis we turned off the television. We had just watched the interview from three days ago. Now we were laying alone in our hotel room. "I can just tell the paps will be all over me now," Louis groaned and I grimiced. "I"m so sorry, I fell like this is my fault,"

Louis gave me a funny look, "Hey, don't ever thing that. It's all worth it if you don't have to deal with the paps too," he said sweetly and gave me light peck that evolved into a full blown makeout session.

I was straddling his hips with is hands resting on them. Mine were tangled in his hair as we kissed deeply and passionately. I could hear a moan erupt from his throat when I shifted my hips. I smiled against his lips.

It ended with me in his t-shirt that ended mid-thing and my hair pulled into a messy bun. Louis was wearing a pair of sweat pants, and that was it. We had shifted to the couch as I draped across him.

My head on his chest and his arm around my waist. When the lads walked in they all groaned. "I don't even want to know," Zayn muttered and we both laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you don't," I added with a wink.

All of us laughed, but the guys seemed nervous. "What is it?" Louis asked also noticing this. "Don't tell me the carrots are gone," he panicked and they reassured him that there was still carrots. He sighed and leaned back.

"So what is it?" I asked and they glanced at each other. "We kind of have a problem, the paps somehow got a hold of some private pictures of you two. None of them were bad, but there was one where you guys look close," Harry pulled out his phone and on the screen was a picture of me and Louis.

It was taken at the beach. The sun was setting and our forehead were touching. Our eyes were closed and our lips were touching, but barely. I groaned and slapped my forehead. What else could go wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2011 ⏰

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