Chapter 1

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(Edward's P.O.V)

"Renesmee!" I breathed, looking down at the little angel in my arms. I handed her to Bella who was stretching to have her. There wasn't much time for Bella, I'd have to change her soon

"She's beautiful!" Bella smiled. I heard a sharp piercing cry, I turned my head to Renesmee, who was silent; the noise had come from inside Bella. I walked over to where I had retrieved Renesmee and saw there was a head.

"Twins!" I gasped. Alice came in the room with Carlisle. All three of us helped get the second child out. It was a girl, I was thinking of names and; Naomi-Mae came to mind.

"Naomi-Mae Elizabeth Cullen!" I told them, thinking it was a suitable name. I saw Alice smile; she too was looking forward to spending time with Naomi and Renesmee

(Naomi's P.O.V)

I have just been born; this was a shock to everyone as they didn't expect me to be born. I have just seen my idiotic sister bite Mom, which is so stupid. A blonde haired girl had took Renesmee downstairs and my dad is taking me down now.

"Everyone, there were twins! I would like you to meet Renesmee Carlie Cullen and Naomi-Mae Elizabeth Cullen!" Dad said introducing us both. A very pixie-like lady came over to me and took me from my dad.

"Hello Naomi, I am Auntie Alice!" She whispered to me and I giggled. I breathed and a horrible stench hit my nose. I looked over and there was a tan boy staring over at my sister. He dropped to his knees and wouldn't stop looking at her.

"What did you do, Jacob!?" The blonde hissed at him. The boy seemed scared.

"You know I can't control it, Rosalie!" He spat back. I'm sure they must really hate each other.

"Just wait for Bella!" I had a feeling Bella was our mother. I turned back to Alice and she just looked at me with a smile.

"That boy is very cute, I love him." I heard someone say. Clearly no-one else heard it though.

What's that about? I started to wriggle around in Aunt Alice's clothes, hating the blanket I have been wrapped in.

"What's wrong, Naomi?" Alice asked and I pointed the best I could to the blanket. She laughed and picked me up off her lap. I was taken upstairs to a bright white room that was hideous. We stopped in front of a huge pile of small clothes. Alice picked up a pink onesie thing.

"WA!" I screamed, telling her I didn't like it.

"Don't you like this?" Alice said, looking sad, she clearly wanted me to love everything about pink. I shook my head at her and pointed to the only black thing in the pile. It was an onesie with guitar on. It said 'rock and roll' on the side.

"Really? You're going to be one of them babies who are all dark?" She said laughing. I tried to laugh like her but it failed, Alice scooped me of the bed and gave me a huge hug.

(Renesmee's P.O.V)

Naomi went upstairs with the Alice person while I sat cuddling Auntie Rose. I had the urge to put my hand on her cheek and ask about Mommy. I slowly lifted my hand and placed it on Rose's cheek. She was cold, but it wasn't unbearable. Rosalie gasped. I think she saw the images I wanted to show her asking about mum.

"In a few days, Renesmee, just a few days!" She told me and I sighed, days that seemed like a long time. I mean, I have been alive that long and I already miss her. Jacob came over to where

Auntie Rosie and I were sitting. I reached out for him; he had only held me once and I wanted to feel his warmth.

"Rose, please pass me Renesmee." He said trying to sound polite, but I knew that deep down inside he wanted to rip her eyes out and kill her. She handed me over to Jacob. She was very annoyed; it was like I was a new toy they had to share! I snuggled to Jacobs's warm chest, really wanting to see Naomi. I hadn't seen her since she went upstairs. Just then she came downstairs.

'Hello, Renesmee' I heard a voice in my head.

'Hello, are you my conscience?' I asked, freaked out as hell.

'No dummy, it Naomi' Oh, that made sense, as she knew my name. The voice was really pretty. I took a good look at Naomi. She had hair that was very red, while mine is a golden color. Her eyes were a sparking green. I was so envious, even though I had beautiful brown eyes. Her eyes were just so much prettier.

'Hey Naomi.' I replied and we had our own private conversation, I reached up to Jacob's short hair, it was so sticky but it was kind of nice at the same time. I wanted to show Jake, Naomi and I sitting on the floor together playing, but I knew I couldn't because I was too small.

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