Chapter 41

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(Bella's P.O.V)

Esme was busy so I had to jump between classes and go to the school office on behalf of her as the twins ha kicked off or something.

"Miss Swan hello we had to call you as your sisters was fighting and refused to stop!" The head told me.

"Girls, why was you fighting?" I demanded . They looked at the floor sheepishly.

"Well?" I asked, I have a feeling it was all about this party thing!

"So when Renesmee walked into the class with Hayley, I walked up to her and thanked her as I was grounded. She laughed at me and told me it serves me right and then she just attacked me so obviously I fought back as I was sick of her pushing me around and being plain mean to me, then we wouldn't stop fighting, we got sent to Mr Kylton and mum got phoned and was directed to you!" Naomi explained.

"Renesmee what do you have to say?" I asked knowing it will be different to what Naomi said.

"The exact same as Naomi-Mae but the fact I only 'attacked' her as she shoved me hard and I fell taking Hayley down to!" She said, putting air quotes around attacked. Her statement made Naomi scoff, I wasn't sure why, it could be because Renesmee is apparently lying or that she use Naomi-Mae.

"Okay, from what both of you have said you both fought, so then Naomi-Mae, Renesmaye both of you are suspended for 2 days!" Kylton told them.

"It's Ren-Esmee!" she exclaimed. I sighed, thanked Mr. Kylton and lead the girls out to the car. They was going to be in major trouble.

"Naomi, remember when I said you was grounded for a week?" I asked her she nodded her head slowly, well I think she knows whats coming next.

"Now you are grounded for 2 weeks!" I told her, her face fell and Renesmee's face was filled with a smile. She think she gets off without punishment yeah right.

"Same for you Renesmee don't think you get away with it!" That made her smirk disappear. The rest of the ride home was ridden in uncomfortable silence. When we pulled up the drive the girls was reluctant to get out of the car, I can understand why. Edward will be really mad when he finds out they can't go back to school for 2 days.

"Girls get out!" I practically hissed, I know that was harsh but I was annoyed with the girls so what did they expect. I opened the front door and as I thought Edward was stood there looking pissed as hell. I'm assuming all the family came home from school by now.

"What where you girls doing?" he yelled, I have know idea why he was screaming at them, so yeah maybe they was idiotic and shouldn't be fighting in class but still.

"So whats your punishment?" He asked knowing that if there wasn't one they would still be at school know, we should know this as Emmett had it happen to him more often then anyone.

"Can't go back to school for 2 days!" Naomi muttered, she was obviously ashamed that she was kicked out of school.

"Think of it as a long weekend squirt, Thursday til Tuesday!" Emmett interjected coming out of where he had came from. He ruffled the twins hair which really annoyed them, Renesmee especially.

"I hope your mother told you that you was grounded!" Edward huffed. They nodded and I told him that I have grounded them for 2 weeks, one for whatever happened at the party and the other for school. He seamed to agree with that so i wasn't that fussed!

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