Brendon// February 25th, 2015

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Dear Brendon,
It's Leah... again. It's amazing how one person can impact someone else so easily. The only thing I've listened to for the past three days is you. I recently found your cover of Dammit by blink 182 with Pete and Spencer. It's great if I do say so myself. You are a true work of art Brendon Boyd Urie. You're my inspiration, my extra boost to get up in the morning and do something with my life. Your voice is one of pure beauty. My grandma even likes your voice, and that's saying something (she doesn't like most of the music I listen to). I remember watching you host the 50 most crush worthy the people a couple years ago and jumping up-and-down yelling "holy crap it's Brendon" and wondering how the crap you were on that list. "I know it sounds cheesy but I'm a cheesy guy" That cover's amazing. Your birthday is the day my dad died, that just gave me chills oh my fuck. OK. I love you.
(the confused one)

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