Gotta Love Puking In the Bathroom

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A/N my child Oliver Daley. Also, this story is going to be so homosexual, you won't even know what hit you. So if you're a judgy asstown, DO NOT READ. So this is my second story and idk man I'm kinda liking it. Tell me what you think!
xoxo, col. Reginald

Saturday Night

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The first party of my high school career was where I met him. I had been drinking a little bit too much (there is always some sort of black magic involved at parties that compels you to drink and drink until you can't remember if this is your 6th or 60th cup) and my so-called best friend Quentin had ditched me for some "smokin' blonde" and I was left alone leaning against a wall like the loser I knew I was.

Now, the thing you must know about me is that I have social anxiety, and it considerably worsens when there are a lot of people. And there were a lot of people. Far more than the "couple of bros hangin' out" that Quentin had promised. Douche. The music was too loud and there were sweaty bodies everywhere, bumping and dancing into me, and with the smell of smoke and and sweat and puke in the air, I just couldn't breathe. I just had to escape, go somewhere quiet.

So, I stumbled up the stairs to the second floor of the house (the guy hosting was a senior named Jake or Josh or Jehovah or something and his parents were out of town, what a cliché). There people upstairs too, making out and doing the do and stuff, but there were far less people than there was downstairs.

Still, it took me a couple minutes to find a deserted bathroom (or so I thought), and when I did, I went straight to the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl. When I had finished, I flushed it, wiped my mouth, and just sat down in front of the bowl and moaned (obviously not a moan of pleasure). I was still kind of shaken and was working on breathing and trying calm myself down, mumbling reassurances to myself.

I had been like that for several minutes, just sitting, breathing, and then he decided to make himself known. I was sitting, minding my own business, when all of the sudden the shower curtain opened and this absolutely gorgeous dude was just sitting there, in the tub, peeking out at me with one eyebrow raised, and all of the sudden I was finding it hard to breathe again, and my heart rate was increasing, and I was getting really self-conscious (I mean who wouldn't, he just heard me puking my brains out and talking to myself yikes). When I say gorgeous, I mean gorgeous. He had a strong law, dark hair, and even darker eyes, like I'm talking blacker-than-my-soul dark. His face and neck were littered with freckles and moles. Gorgeous.

Several minutes of awkward silence and staring passed by before I decided I would say something, like maybe an apology. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Nothing. Like no noise, whatsoever. By this point, I was too embarrassed to properly function, so I jumped up, and made my way towards the door.

"Wait." Shit. I froze. Ever so slowly, I turned around. "Don't leave." I gulped. Don't leave? Don't leave?! What does that mean?

"Uhm...?" I stood in front of the door, awkwardly bouncing back and forth on my feet. There was something strange about him, his voice. It was smooth, like honey straight from the hive.

His soothing voice interrupted my thinking. "What's your name?" he asked suddenly, eyes still intently trained on me.

"O-Oliver," I said, "But everyone calls me Oli."

The corner of his mouth twitched up into a small smile. "I like Oliver." he stated. He then motioned for me to come closer. I was extremely hesitant at first, but then I cautiously made my way over to him (cuz how often do you get to be in a bathtub with a hot guy). When I was in front of the tub, he motioned again, but this time towards the tub. I gulped again. He wanted me to get in the tub. He gave me an expectant glance, and I didn't know what else to do, so I made my way over to the tub, almost tripping but luckily, I caught myself. By this point, I was extremely confused. Why did this stranger want me to get in a tub with him? Why was I even getting in the tub with him?

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