[The Tale of Doggris and Ulfaen]

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As Doggris and Ulfaen met up with Ausar, and set up a humble camp within the surrounding forest, they exchanged stories about their homes. Doggris had described the province of Norn he had lived in like a land where the air smelt like nothing but salt, and ships would constantly be pulling in and out of the harbor. Ulfaen described his home like a snowy forest, with little green. There was only one source of warmth that he knew at that time- the fireplace.

Long ago, in the continent of Oculornis, in the Lands controlled by Durokovis, a man and elf lived under the same roof like brothers. However, they were rivals and opposite in many ways. Obviously, one such opposite is that Doggris wielded the sword, Ulfaen the bow. One preferred color, one did not. One was outgoing and the other quiet and reserved. Despite this, and despite the arguments they occasionally had, the two had been together practically since birth. Doggris's Mother was a half-elf, and because his home was large enough and Elves were usually victims to prejudice for being too weak or puny, his Mother allowed her sister's family to stay with them. Once Ulfaen and Doggris were able to begin training in the arts of war, the two's fathers agreed that their sons should become Shield Brothers, as they also had very excellent synergy in training.

Howver, as they grew into their older years, the two had a falling out of sorts. An argument over a simple training exercise, that soon blossomed into scorn between the Shield Brothers. Doggris soon realized it was truly him who made a mistake, as he was supposed to block all the arrows he could for Ulfaen, so his shield brother could take down arrow launchers one by one. However, a funny thing happened as Doggris approached Ulfaen; "Ulfaen. I've come to apologize. I wasn't able to block all the arrows. One almost hit you, no?", Doggris spoke. Doggris was about to continue, but then Ulfaen replied, " Though an arrow did almost hit me, I shouldn't have been so hard on you. Doggris, though you are strong, you aren't strong enough to hold a shield of the needed size to block that volley of arrows. Thus, I apologize for my actions too." The two chuckled, and their friendship was reborn!

As time went on and they became more mature, the two became rivals. One time even battling for the hand of a young woman in their village, whom eventually was won over by Drohviik, Doggris' older brother, whom is currently the chief War-Advisor to the King of Norn. After about a year of training, the two shield brothers were given a special crest, which appears on the left chest of their top. After achieving they they set out for adventure and riches! However, much to their dismay, whilst they did find adventure they did not find many riches. While overlooking a job they had been considering, they ran into Ausar, and the two informed him of where they were headed. They both knew he was most likely an excellent warrior, and thus invited him to join them. Ausar gladly accepted, and the trio of Heroes set out to forge their legend in stone!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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