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"But dad..."

"I'm sorry Natalia, but we have to go. You know this was a possibility when I started working for a Korean company."

Natalia sighed in defeat. "What am I going to do in Korea? I don't even speak the language."

"You will learn..." he replied with a thin smile.

"But my friends?"

"You and your sister will make new friends."

"And the ones I have here? I'll never see them again."

"Yes you will." He said trying to encourage her daughter.

"Have you looked at a map recently? Mexico is very far from Korea." Natalia replied.

Her dad looked at her sweetly and came to sit down next to her. She took her hand in his. "Natalia, you know that since your mother died, you and your sister have been my world. You have helped me so much raising Andrea...I couldn't have done it without you. I can't do this without you."

Natalia looked at her father sadly. "When do we leave?" 

Loneliness in Love (Kdrama/You're Beautiful fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now