Chp 1

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Chp 1

I woke up as the sun peaked through my light colored curtains. I got up wearily using every once of enthusiasm I had in me seeing as I did not want to get up. It was the first day of senior year and the only thing I'm looking forward to is the fact that I'm graduating this year. School is not something I'm very fond if and it's also not very fond of me. All these assignments they give us for Summer break, I mean, what's the point of calling it Summer break if we don't get a break.

I showered and got ready as quickly as I could putting on black tights, a white shirt, a black jacket and my adidas superstars cause why not be stylish on the first day? I ran downstairs to see my mom sitting by the kitchen island drinking a cup of coffee why'll reading the newspapers. "Morning honey!" she said with her chirpy morning voice.

"Morning mom." I said dully.

"Are you ready for you're first day as a senior. You're getting so old, soon you'll be a senior citizen like me."

"Mom! please!' I exclaimed a little while grabbing a granola bar from the pantry.

"Sorry... but I am really old..."

As soon as she said that there was a honk from a car outside. "Thats Autumn" I said running to the door, happy that my friend saved me from our regular morning conversations.

"Well yeah, summer just ended." my mom replied.

I mentally slapped my hand to my face,"no mom, my friend autumn."

"Oh okay, well bye hun, have a good day, love you"

"Love you too." I said leaving in a hurry to get out of our strange conversation. I love my mom but she's really...special.

I got in the car to see Autumn on the phone arguing with someone. "It's a pumpkin spice latte with two pumps of vanilla. How can you mess this up?"

I roll my eyes at her silly demands. She's most likely talking to her boyfriend, Joey. Everyday he's supposed to get her coffee and everyday it's a different order depending on how she's feeling and what not. So sometimes he does mess up her orders but I don't blame him although if I were him I'd make sure to get it right each time cause Autumn's a feisty one.

She hanged up the phone sighing then looked at me and smiled. "Well you look cute today." She sweetly said as if she didn't just get fired up on her boyfriend for messing up a Starbucks error. "Are you ready for our last first day?"

"I was born ready!" i excitedly exclaimed. I have been waiting for my last day of school since elementary school, when it started to become not as fun as you'd think it would be in pre school. I do my best in school cause like I said I just wanna get out of it, so what's the point of wasting it on parties and friends. I have my future all planned out. I'm gonna graduate high school, get in to a college right here in California, follow in my mother's footsteps and become a lawyer and then whatever happens from there happens.

As for Autumn, she's a great baker and wants to open a bakery here in Monterey. So we pretty much would still be around each other so I'm not worried. All I have to do is get in to a college in California.

We pulled up to our high school, Monterey High, as Autumn put the car in park. "Alright, ready for the best school year of our lives?" she asks anxiously.

"You bet!" I responded, opening the door and making my way to the front door with Autumn. First day, should be a breeze.

After getting all my books, I went to my first class of the day which was History. I actually love history and the history teacher, he's cool. I sat down next to Holden Chamber, my other best friend. Unfortunately for me, he was applying for colleges all over, even all the way in England! I don't want him to go obviously, but it's what makes him happy and that's all that matters.

We talked a little bit before our teacher, Mr. Watts came in. I stared at the clock. Only a couple more months of this and then I'm out of here.

~ ~ ~

The day had gone on well until lunch time came around. I was sitting at the table with Autumn and Holden when Holden said, "hey, man candy at 12 o' clock." I turned my head quickly to see who he was talking about even though I knew exactly who it was. Parker Phillips. There he was, standing by his table in all of his glory. The light shinning right on top of him allowing me to see him clearly including the little piece of lint on his jacket. I have never been so jealous of a piece of lint in my life.

"Earth to Ava." Autumn called snapping me back to reality.

"What?" I asked a little aggressively. She interrupted me from staring at Parker Phillips, I wasn't gonna let that go that quickly.

"You were totally just staring at Parker." She smirked at me.

"Well he's a good looking guy." I said not even trying to hide the fact I was staring at him. Plus, Autumn and Holden already know I have a little tiny crush on him so no use denying it.

"You have to go and talk to him!" Holden exclaimed.

"No!" I argued, "I can't just go over there and talk to him. Have you met me?" I would start stuttering before I could even tell him hi.

"But you have liked him since last year, you have to go." Autumn agreed with Holden.

"But I don't want to." I whined pouting my lips, hoping they wouldn't make me do it.

"Too bad." my heartless friend said, pushing me out of my seat.

I just stared at her for a bit, unsure of what to do. "Go!" she yelled.

I started walking to his table hesitantly, looking back at my friends with every step. Every time I turn my head back, they put both of there thumbs up. I turn to look at Parker one last time before making a fool of myself. He was already talking to someone so was it all worth it?

I was too busy looking at him that I didn't even notice when someone walked right into to me spilling their lunch all over me. For some reason I didn't turn my head from looking at Parker and just continued to watch him. I still wasn't sure who the person was but they were silently cursing to themselves, probably because of the fact that me standing in the way caused them to get food on their clothes or whatever.

At this point, everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us. "Hey!" the person's voice yelled at me which caused me to look at them. I wanted to slap myself so hard when I saw who it was. Vincent McGomery. Most popular boy in school. No I don't care that I just ran into the most popular boy from school and now I'm embarrassed to be around. I care that I ran into the most popular boy in school and now I will never here the end of this.

I slowly turned my head to him looking him up and down. Yup. He, as well as myself, was covered in spaghetti sauce. He turned his head to look at where I was looking all this time. "Were you staring at Parker Phillips?" he said a bit confused. My cheeks turned red like the sauce on my face. Everyone around us looked at me then back at Parker. Parker, I didn't even dare to look at him, to embarrassed with what just happened.

"Well, things just got awkward..." Vincent said smirking to himself as he turned around and started walking the opposite way. Everyone watching went back to their regularly scheduled programs and I just remained there not so sure on what to do.

Well not only did I get to make fool out of myself in front of Parker, I got to make on in front of almost the whole school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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