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Bahja's P.O.V

So we all meet eachother in front of the school to get on the bus. At lunch we discussed that when we get off the bus at our bus stop we would go to our houses to get dressed and get all our stuff together to go to the beach.

Nique: Hey guys
Bre: Waddup tho
Bahja: Heyy
LoLo: Hey Y'all
Ray: Sup Bae *winks eye*
Roc: Wassup *kisses Bre*
Prod: Waddup Bae
Prince: *kisses LoLo*

*Bus pulls up*

We all get on the bus and we're playing around until 10 mins later the bus comes to a stop. We were already at our stop and it was time t get off the bus.

Bahja: Ok everybody meet up in front of my house when y'all ready.
E/B: Okay
Bahja: Oh yea Bre, Nique what swim suit y'all wearing?
Bre: I'm wearing my purple polka dot bikini.
Roc: Ooohhh you wearing that for me *licks lips*?
Bre: *laughs and pushes him* nahh.
Bahja: Girl you are thick now.
Bre: *laughs*
Bahja: Nique, what you wearing?
Nique: Ummm I think imma wear my blue polka dot swim suit.
Bahja: Well I guess I'll wear my pink polka dot swimsuit.
Prod: So while yall talkin about what swim suit y'all wearing, me and the boys about t go get sexy for y'all *winks eye*.
*the boys walk off to their house*
LoLo: Okk see y'all later.
*the girls walk off to their houses*

LoLo's P.O.V

I went in the house and saw my mom.

LoLo: Hey Mom.
Bahja: Hey Mommy.
BML: Hey. How was school?
Bahja: Great. We goin to the beach in about 30 mins with our friends.
BML: Okay just be back by dinner at 8:00.
LoLo&Bahja: Okay.

We walk upstairs to our rooms and get ready.

I put on my red polka dot swim suit and some white shorts over the bottoms. I touched up my red lipstick and put my hair in a messy bun. I was all set and ready to go. I just sat in my room on my phone for a min but then I decided to get me a bag of Chips and go outside and wait on everybody else.

Bahja's P.O.V

I ran down the stairs grabbed a bag of chips and went outside and saw everybody waiting on me. My boyfriend looked sexy!

Bahja: Y'all ready?
Prod: You ready sexy?
Bahja: *laughs* Come on guys.

We all get in my Bentley that I got for my birthday and drive off to the beach. We get there at about 5:30 so that gives us 2hrs and 30 mins to play around and have fun at the beach. Everybody gets out the car and heads to the water. Me and Prod planned on being with eachother in the water the whole time. Everybody else was with their dates also. And before you know it it was time to go home. At least it's Friday because we can hang out tomorrow.

LoLo's P.O.V

I had fun at the beach with Prince. He just makes me feel some type of way. Lol it's funny cause I don't know if he feels the same way I'll ask him tomorrow.

LoLo: Hey guys y'all wanna go to the mall tomorrow?
E/B: Yea!
Bre: That'll be fun!
Bahja: Okay. See y'all tomorrow.

Everybody walks to their houses and get ready to go to bed.

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