Chapter 9

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Bahja's P.O.V

I woke up and looked at my phone to see what time its was. It was 7:30. I hurried up and jumped out the bed. I went to my bathroom and started doing my hygiene stuff. I got done and went back in my room and put on my pink crop top, my black high-waisted shorts, and my pink glitter toms. I walked in the bathroom and started playing with my hair. I wasn't in the mood to do my hair so i just put it in a messy bun. So I wouldn't look like a wild child, i put a pink glittery bow in my hair. I got done,grabed my black glittery cross-body purse and went downstairs. I greeted my parents and grabbed a gronola bar and headed out the door. I drove to school and ran to my class, until I got stopped by the blue-headeed chick.

Nique: Hey, Hey, Hey!

Bahja: Wassup chick.

Nique: Where you headed?

Bahja: Ummmm, *looks at schedule* Im headed to biology with Ms.Thompson what about you?

Nique: Oh well we can walk together cause I got that class too.

Bahja: That's fine but let's go cause we gone be late.

We started walking and talking until we got to class. We finally reached the door and it got quiet.

Ms.Thompson: Let's go Let's go you're already late.

We sat in our assigned seats and started doing what was told. About 45mins later the class was over. Me and Nique didn't have the same second period class so we had to go different ways. I had calculus and Nique had trigonometry class.

I started walking to my class and was rushing, so I bumped into...Bre. Why God?!WHYYY!?? Everytime I don't want to see her she pops up some how some way.

Bre: Sorry *smiles innocently*.

Bahja: Yea whatever *keeps walking*.

Bre: Hey wait Bee!

Bahja: Who you callin "Bee" only my friends call me that.

Bre: *Sighs* we need to talk this out. We were like sisters.


Bre: Bahja. *sighs* We can't avoid eachother forever Bahja. We go to the same school.

Bahja: Well everytime I see you, I'm gonna pretend like there's a wall in between us.

Bre: *sighs and stares at Bahja*

Bahja: *Breaks the silence* I gotta get to my class. *walks away*

I walked away without saying another word to Bre. I don't understand why she keeps trying to be my friend. Accepting her apology wasn't enough? Well it's gone have to be enough cause I'm done being her friend. I kept walking to my class and finally reached the door. I walked in, greeted my teacher and associates in the class and got started on my work.


I got in line to get my lunch and Roc came behind me.

Roc: Hey baby! *kisses her on the cheek*

Bahja: Hey! *blushing*

Roc: You want me to sit with you today?

Bahja: Duhh. Don't me, you, Nique,Prince, LoLo, and Ray ALWAYS sit together?

Roc: Oh yea. *refreshing his memory*

Me and Roc had our arms locked together looking like a happy couple. I guess Bre saw us cause she glared at me and Roc.

Roc: *looks at Bahja* Don't worry about it.

Bahja: The jealousy is real. *smh*

We continued walking to our usual table and sat down to eat. We started talking and talking until the rest of the "clique" walked to the table.

Ray: Ayo wassuuppppp!



Nique: Hey love bugs. *waves*

Prince: Wassup tho?

Bahja: Hey Peace Pal. *Punches his peace sign on his wrist with her peace sign on her wrist*

LoLo: Hey Chicas!

We sat down and ate our food and talking like we always do. I started telling them when I bumped into Bre earlier.

Bahja: Oh yea and we sitting here talking and stuff and I forgot to tell y'all what happened earlier.

LoLo: What happened earlier?

Bahja: Ok so I was walking to 3rd period and Bre bumped into me, and she tried to talk to me and I was like "You know what there's nothing to talk about and I gotta get to my class so..." And I walked off.

Nique: So y'all friends? *looking confused*

Bahja: HELL NO!! *shouting*

Nique: Ohhhh.

Nique's P.O.V

Tbh I was confused about the whole situation. I knew Bahja waaaaayy longer than I knew Bre so of course I'm on Bahja's side. I really don't have problem with Bre so I really don't get why I don't talk to her. Matter of fact I'm about to start back talking to her.

Bahja's P.O.V

We got done eating and continued on with our day.

Woahhhh lol I never wrote this long as a chapter before. Anyways what do you think Zonnique is going to do? Is she going to start something between Bahja and Nique? Comment,Vote,ETC.

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