Getting your Assassins/ Templars Androids

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Okay, Ubisoft did something cray cray. No one notice this. Not even the non-fan of the AC series. Sure the fans will be happy as hell. Like the happiness has gone to the next level.

You've read about Hetaloid in deviantArt and such but Ubisoft makes the fans of the AC series much more interesting. Movies was the stepping stone but this one, it was interesting. Everyone thought making a human android is not possible. Especially making fictional characters from games is not possible.

So here you are, in your apartment, staring at this humongous rectangular box and you think to yourself, how in holy hell did you acquire this box.

Several thoughts rushed through your brain. Did a relative bought for you, as a gift or some prototype? Did your parents bought it as a raise for surviving the adult world? Did you friends make a prank of this? Did something else happen next?

Curiosity got the best as you unwrapped the plastic wrappings, the brown paper and don't forget that popping wrapping thingy. You noticed a book flew out of it. Guessing its light and thin book, you decided to read it. Out loud.

Or just simply read it with your mind.

It read :

You have received your Assassin / Templar Android. This Android is fully completed and functional for your use. You are its Master whether it like it or not.

Truthly, you have to control your Android from getting into troubles. Some have the tendency to get into trouble and some don't. Some can be helpful to you and some don't. Just be happy with your Android.

However, different Android have different personality. So you have to be used to it. Even thought you hate it. At the end, you will love them.

Back to the point of this whole package, each Android has its own way to activate it, its own clothes and some additional accessories. For more clothes for them, just do a shopping spree for them. Knock yourself out.

(Rebecca, please don't assault the manual.)

Anyways, if you're Android malfunction, just call us for help. We can help you to fix your Android to tip top shape.

And thank you for purchasing the Android you desire from the popular game series, Assassin's Creed.

You finished reading the manual of the whole thing. This guy who wrote it must be sarcastic.

You place the manual somewhere on the floor of your apartment and proceed to open the box to see who did you get.

You were hyped to see who'd you get as your Android - or slave, minion, etc.

You opened it and saw the face of...

Choose Your Android . . .



≫ if I miss some, comment below ≪


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