Shay - the Irish Luck Android ①

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You opened it and saw the face of...

Shay Patrick Cormac.

Holy leprechaun, its Shay. You was in awe when you gazed upon this Irish man. You admired his features. Shay has the features of an attractive man and you couldn't take your eyes off him. Look at that face, so beautiful, so deadly.

You quickly opened the box to reveal Shay's full figure. His outfit was the Templar outfit from the game, not the Assassin's robes. His outfit was so detailed you could recongnise it. The Templar outfit was adorned with several symbols, including Celtic knots, Yggdrasil, triquetras and last but not least, the Templar insignia.

Outfit check, how about weapon check. You checked his weapons. The guns, swords, you named it. Even his Hidden Blade. To your disappointment, they are not real but fake. It means that they are toys. Toys for a safety purpose which is for bussiness and marketing. Seems fair. You thought to yourself. Although I rather have the real deal but I'm okay with it.

In the corner of your eye, you noticed that there was a piece of paper lying next to his left hand which you picked up and waste no time to read it. It says :

Congratulation on your Templar's Android. You have Shay Patrick Cormac to be yours fully and permantly. I know he is a Templar, not an Assassin. Shay is the first thing that the fans demand instead of the other Templars.

[Its because he has the good looks, Shaun.]

Other than that, Shay is our first Templar Android. I'm not sure if Ubisoft want to create more Templars but its up to the fans to decide.

I presume you know who Shay is so I am going to skip the whole process of explaining him to you. If you don't, check it up on the wikia.

To activated Shay, asked him this,"Did you make your own luck?" And he will reply with,"Aye, I make my own luck."

[Or sing some Irish tune.]

(Of course, he's Irish...)

If Shay is activated with those words, a cheer for you. Take good care of him because he is a Templar and our Assassin's Android might pick a fight with him.

It ends there. You flipped the page to see if there is anything useful or something nice to do. And it did.

[Rebecca here, you can activated Shay by offering him an apple. Any kind of apple would do. As long its an apple.]

Alright, that should help me. You checked the box for any other stuff. Besides his Templar's outift. Other than the assessories you see and placed it neatly on the floor.

After you put all the things away, it was time to activate Shay. You kneel next the android and cleared your throat. "Hey Shay, did you make your own luck?"

"Aye, I make my own luck." His Irish accent makes you blush in response. Shay sat upright. He then looked around where he is before looking at you. "I'm guessing you are my master." You nodded your head, face still blushed.

Shay got up from the box and turned to look at you. He offer you his hand which you gladly accept it. "Shay Cormac," He gave you a gentle kiss on your knuckles.

"(Name) (Last name)," You blush at his gesture. He gave you another smile before began to explore your apartment. With left you the wrapping papers on the floor.

You sighed before picking the wrappers up. Shay's stuff was on the floor. You place his stuff at the coffee table. You take out a broom for the store room and began to sweep the mess.

Shay placed a hand on your shoulder. Which cause you to jumpscare at his hand and in reflex, punch him in the face. Shay groaned in pain. "Wait - Holy crap, I'm sorry!" You dropped the broom and inspect his wound. "Is it bad?" Worry and guilt laced in your tone.

"No, its alright." Shay noticed your worryness. He gave out a chuckle to make sure he's fine. "I've dealt worse than this, lass."

You sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I think I should give you an ice pack. Just to be sure." You dragged Shay to the couch and make him to sit.

You went to the kitchen, to the fridge and found the ice pack. Found it, you mentally shout in glee. You quickly make your way to Shay. You gave him the ice pack. "Thank you, master."

You sit next to Shay, still feeling sorry about punching him in the face. "Can I... I mean... Your wounds... H-how is it?" You stuttered.

Shay sighed. What a worrywort. He let go of the ice pack to reveal the wound. It wasn't that bad. Just a small scratch.

You carefully touched the wound. It was a bruise on his beautiful face. "I'm sorry." You lowered your hand, ashamed to look at him. "For doing that to you." You placed your hands on your lap, curling it into a fist.

Shay placed a gentle hand on top of your fist. You looked up, your eyes were watery. You were on the verge of crying. A small tear managed to escape. Shay wiped away the tear with his thumb. "Its alright, lass. No need to be guilty about it." He gave you a gentle smile before placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Besides, I will protect you from who harm you and your heart." He smiled at your reaction. "Think of this as a joke. A funny one."

"You're bad to cheer a girl up, Shay." You say, voice still cracken but still have the hint of happiness in it.

Shay made a hurt look. "Oh, lass. You pained me with such hurtful words." You giggled at his act. Shay joined in by laughing. "There's that smile."

"Ya'know Shay," You wiped away the tears. "You're not that bad."

"Well, its the least I could do, master." Shay said as he presume to place the ice pack back to the wound. You nearly died when he said master but you don't want Shay to say master all the time.

"Um, Shay." You flumbled with your fingers. "Yes, master?"

You gulped before looking at him. "Could you call me by my name instead of Master. I feel weird if you call me that title."

"Sure thing, anything for my lass." He gave you a wink.

Synchronization completed

Cormac calm down


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