Arno - the French Android ①

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You opened it and saw the face of...

Arno Victor Dorian.

Look at that French face. You studied his face. Man, the eyebrows and the eyelashes. How could Ubisoft could make such an attractive man. Plus, his French.

You quickly opened the box to reveal Arno's full figure. He has his Assassin's outfit on. The outfit was from the game trailer and blue robes kinda suits Arno's hair. About his hair, it looks like Ezio and Edward's hairstyle. Interesting Ubisoft, very interesting.

You checked his weapons and his swords. Even the Phantom Blade. All of them are fake. Fake weapons means, they are toys. Toys for safety purpose. Why Ubisoft. You mentally whined. It will look cool if they are real but its for the bussiness. To look good in front of the public.

In the corner of your eye, you noticed that there was a piece of paper lying next to Arno's hand - the hand with the Phantom Blade - which you picked up and waste no time to read it. It says :

Congratulation on your Assassin's Android. You have Arno Charles Dorian to be yours fully and permantly. Yes, I know he is French but let me do this right without any interuptions.

[Geez, why am I guilty.]

Anyways, to activate our Frenchman, Arno, you must play the Les Miserables movie or just kiss him.



To properly activate Arno, offer him a glass of wine or say this words; Bonjour monsiour. With that words, he will be awaken from his slumber of activation.

It ends there. You flipped the page to see if there is anything useful or something nice to do. And it did.

[Rebecca here because Shaun is being grouchy...]

(I am not GROUCHY!)

[Back to me, just offer him a Baguette or if you are a French expert, sing or hum some French songs.

And voilà, he is activated.]

Okay, that was useful and pointless. You checked the box for any other stuff. Besides his Assassin's robes. Other than his assessories you see and placed it neatly on the floor.

After you put all the things away, its time to activate Arno. There are many ways to activate Arno, thanks to Shaun and Rebecca. Your mind decided to practice your French and say, "Bonjour monsiour Arno."

With that, Arno open his eyes and said eyes landed onto your figure. "Bonjour mademoiselle," He gave you a warm smile before getting out from the box. "Uh..."

"I'm (Name), your new Master but don't call me Master. It feels weird when I'm being called like that." You said, your face was blushing. Arno offer you his hand, not with the Phantom Blade but his normal hand. You gladly accept it.

Both of you are now standing up and facing each other. "Comme vous le souhaitez, (Name)." Arno gave you a kiss on your knuckles. You nodded your head. He let your hand go and proceed to scanned his surroundings.

"There's an empty bedroom which is yours." You pointed to the door where it was next to yours. "Since you are staying here, I have to go shopping for some clothes for you."

"Oui," Arno nodded his head. His hand was placed behind him and stood firm. You shake your head in amusement. "No need to be formal, Arno." He relaxed his posture.

"Good, I was beginning to be tired from doing that." He make his way to you. "When can we go for this shopping trip?"

You forgot about the mess and the box at your living room. "For starters, let's clean up this mess then we can go. That's alright with you?"

"Of course." And the both of you began to clear Arno's stuff to his new bedroom.

Synchronization completed

Im sorry if the French is wrong (i use google translate)
Comme vous le souhaitez = As you wish


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