Chapter One: The Move

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Kylie Colette Foster


I loved being the new girl, to bad you can't read sarcasm through text. We just moved from Vancouver to Boston and I was totally lost I had no clue where I lived. Screw it why was I even here? I never asked to be and frankly I blamed it on my dumb Dad's job, I didn't know what he did I did not care because he was not my Dad he was my step-dad. My mom always said you will call him your Dad because he loves you very much. So even my mom didn't care.

We lived in a huge house on a street full of them all the houses on this street are HUGE. But ours is the nicest I have to admit life is OK. My room is nice a reasonable size not too big with a walk in closet and my own private bathroom. My mom insisted to pick everything for my room she over did it. All the wood was a dark brown the floor was slightly lighter. My bed frame was actually very elegant with different swirls and shapes engraved in the posts up above was regular bars and the head board was the same patterns as the posts. On all four sides of the bed a clear purple tinted curtain fell to the ground and the duvet was a solid purple and I had what looked like 20 purple pillows all different. A purple couch was at the end of my bed and a flat screen was on the wall across from my couch and TV. The walls a dark purple and one wall was a mirror that had my two main drawer sets.

My closet was huge a shelf full of shoes and four rows of clothes then another shelf full of accessories and more clothes. My bathroom had a huge counter and drawers for makeup and stuff then I had a bathtub. The mirror was elegant with flowers all along the side but the sink was my favorite it was like a shattered glass effect. the sink was flat and the water flowed off into a dip and to the drain. I went back to my room and put my handbag on my bedside table.

I looked over to see what I some how missed My desk a huge Apple computer toke up one side of the purple desk and it had huge drawers and my room was perfect.

I already knew the whole house like the back of my hand. I knew my sister had a room right beside me and my step-sisters was right beside my sisters. My sister was Leslie Sarena Foster and my monster sister was Julia Rosetta Rogers. I hated Julia, Leslie did too. Maybe that was why we are so close. Leslie had to let go of her boyfriend for the move. Nick was so good to her so Leslie hates mom and Dad. I opened my door and movers crowded the spiral staircase I could see from the balcony. I decided to take the elevator to the basement. Shit, I must be such a spoiled brat.

I had a tour of the house the first time we came to visit. It was huge something that you could get lost in. But the basement was the absolute best part of the house. It held the Study/Library I walked the hall and opened to glass door. I was a complete nerd, straight A student and I loved to learn. What can I say? NERD ALERTTTTT. When I walked in it smelt of old leather and peace, If it had a sent. This was my home right away why was I so calm? I guess maybe the move wasn't that bad but I still lost my best friend Alana due to the move. I decided to lay back and read a good book. After all this was a crazy day, how I was fatigued. I felt my forest green eyes becoming dull and my long chocolate wavy hair was slipping out of the messy bun I wore all day.


Leslie Sarena Foster


WHY DID WE HAVE TO MOVE!! I hate this, I may be only 18 but I know what love is and 16-year-old Kylie gets what me and Nick are. He is my straw to my berry. My Angel to my devil. My bad to my ass. My Spongebob to my Patrick. My Dub to my Step. I am probably even going to live here. I do not even care about my room its my new hideout now. But my main goal was to get Nick on the phone now.

I talked to him for a bit, cried then talk again. Why? I screamed and cried for a while before I decided it was best to cool down. So I put my hot pink bikini on and went to the backyard and dived into the pool not even noticing the devil itself tanning, Julia glared at me.

"This is my house to stuck-up" I snapped.

She laughed then slipped her sunglasses back over her eyes and pretended I didn't exist. But I had another theory I got out of the pool and went into the kitchen. I filled a cup of water then with pride ran back outside not spilling a drop. I tip-toed over to the devil, I held the water above her head tipped the glass. Then the water collided with her head that was when she flipped out and stood up fast.

Her expression was priceless and furry burned in her cheeks but all she did was walk away into the house as I laughed my butt off. I literally laughed till I ached all over. I sat in the chair she once rested upon and realized. She would get me back, maybe not a good idea :-\

I had the forest green eyes identical to my sisters but my hair was short to my shoulders and dark brown almost black. Me and my sister had the same build nearly considered tall and extremely thin. I was very sporty she was not. We are the same but so utterly different.

Night dawned upon soon the cold air was cold on my skin it was very much fall but night was another story. I stood on my balcony my eyes watering, my arms wrapped around myself tightly trying to keep as much body warmth as possible. I looked up at the sky my thoughts suddenly taken back, the sky was clear the stars dazzled and twinkled. They danced around but yet they never moved the sky was a never ending story. But one star caught my eye it was bigger then the others, I felt tears spring to my eyes.

"Nick, I miss you" I spoke with a croaky voice.

Suddenly my bottom lip started to quiver. I didn't want to cry, I shock my head and whipped my tears, my sad cold tears. I turned quickly rushing into my room. I had the same bathroom and closet as my sister but all the wood in my room was cedar and my room was a different layout. But it didn't matter. I looked at my boxes against the far wall, so I simply chose to ignore them. I went to my closet. I scanned through the racks of clothes. My mind was running crazy, this was so confusing. I just want to go back home now.

Finally found my pyjamas on the last rack which just made me more upset. I was ready to lose it but I picked up the first pair I could clench my fist around and went to change. I came out feeling a little calmer but anger still threatened to take over anytime. I felt fatigue kick in so I decided to go check on Kylie and see how she was doing.

I knocked on her door





Still no answer so I turned the knob and went in, I noticed a photo of us hanging on the wall and smiled, the same one in my room. I bet she didn't notice it takes her forever to notice. But oddly I didn't see her but my thoughts automatically knew her presence would be simply inside the Library on the brown leather sofa reading a book in a big hoodie and sweat pants both from Garage her favourite store.

I was already in the elevator heading to the Library I need to talk to my best friend. The most loyal person I knew apart from my mom, well used to be my mom. Ever since her and Mark Rogers got together she changed and all that mattered was her becoming Tanya Rogers in a month. Yes the wedding was in a month and I had no intentions of going, yes I loved my mom but the divorce between her and dad left me dumbfound.

I have not seen my dad since I was 7 so I think about him all the time. Maybe it was my mom who shut him out because he would never leave us. He loved me so much I could tell and that day he left was my first heartbreak but not my last. Me and my mom got distant ever since she got with Mark. Yes I am said to call him Dad and when I do I taste a hatred on my tongue cuz he will never be my dad.

I walked through the Library but she was passed out. The book had fallen to the ground, green orbs hidden by long full lashes. her body curled into a ball as her head rested on the arm rest. She looked so peaceful and I wanted to feel that way, comforted by herself. I almost forgot, we started school Tomorrow...



So you like it? The title will make more sense later you will see! I am soo excited for the book!! So please read, share, vote and comment your thoughts. Anyway get ready for a new chapterrrrr!!!

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