Chapter Two: First Day

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Kylie Colette Foster


My alarm blasted One Direction 'Best Song Ever' and my eyelides flashed open. I flipped the duvette off of my body. Getting up was nothing I ever struggled with so my feet collided with the floor without regret from leaving my bed. I walked to my closet and opened the door, my hand fumbled with the switch before I went fully in. I picked out a black flowy top that said Love Or Don't in white writing. I grabbed a tanned leather jacket and tanned skinny jeans with black hightops and white laces.

My bag was on my shelf and picked it up and walked out of my closet plopping the bag on my bed. I ran to the bathroom already sure I was running late. I quickly did foundation, concealer and bronzer. I did a two tone brown eyeshadow followed by light yellow highlights. My eyeliner was cateye and my mascara made my lashes look even longer. I did a rosey blush and some lip gloss. My hair only needed to be brushed, so I quickly ran a brush through my chocolate colored hair the waves look neater almost like I curled them. I looked at my reflection my forest green eyes stood out. I had to admit maybe I was plain but slightly attractive.

I shoved all my crap into my bag before fleeding from my room toward the staircase. The little peice of bad said to slide down the rail but the goodie goodie side won and my steps could be heard through out the house as I thumped down the stairs. I was still unsure of how I was getting to school but I wasn't totally worried. I saw Leslie eating cereal and she poured me some Cheerios too. I smiled and giggled before sitting down beside her and pouring milk into mine. I toke a mouthful and felt my stomache start to fill up.

The bus waited at the end of the street, Leslie was far ahead from me and Julia I wished I could be up next her. Julia I swore she tried to trip me two times and every time she said whoops as if she was inocent and every time I speed up. I was ahead of her now the students ahead already getting onto the bus. My past began a incline as Leslie was already getting on the bus. Breathless I finally reached the yellowy orange bus and got on. It smelled like everything from cologne to ham. The bus driver was a old fat man his name tag said Barney. I quickly slide past him searching for Lelsie. She was in the seventh seat and I awkwardly sprinted to the seat to sit beside her.

We stayed silent but that did not stop the whole bus from going crazy. Since this was where Julia lived her whole life she already knew everyone. She sat in the back ontop of this guys lap practically suckin his face off. I was disgusted and Leslie shared my expression, was she a slut? She finally stopped to talk to some girls beside her but she never got off his lap. I turned to Leslie and she looked at me we shared the same look speaking through eyes. We both wondered what was wrong with her how she turned out so messed up.

The school was huge like huge, I was maybe second guessing if this was a regular school. Maybe I should have choosen Private School that would be more peacful then this animal barn. I was lost but everyone knew where to go. Leslie gave me a hug, she was only here to look for college aplications so she stole a ride on the bus. Why could we not be twins? Now I was stuck with Julia and her clique that I now despise. I looked at the flow of stundents pouring into the entrance, I toke it that was where I was to go now.

I found my locker finally after walking the halls and huge crowds about ten times. My locker was 347 and it was right beside this girl who was asain she looked nice enough!

"Hi, I am Kylie!" I said enthusiastically.

She glared at me her dress was floral at the top and black at the bottom. Her hair was long to her waist stick straight and black.

"Well what do you want?" she asked her tone annoyed and cooky.

"A friend" I said kind of shy now.

"You mean a lesbian friend isn't that what white girls like?" she said.

I don't know why but I laughed it was kind of offensive. But she looked at me a playful look in her eyes with a hint of cookyness.

"My name is Alex, Alexandra" she said before closing her locker and walking away.

She seemed nice enough, actually not at all she seemed wise though, intelligent. I looked at my Iphone that I now pulled out of my pocket. 15 minutes until the first bell, I sighed before fumbling with my lock and turning my combonation. 16 33 21 07 by now I could not forget it. My locker clicked open I toke the contents out of my bag and placed it on all the shelfs, I would organize it later. I looked down the hall to here the thud of feet moving in synch then a strange ruffling, then they appeared. The cheerleaders they wore cheap smiles on their dumb faces as if barbies the makeup was piled on and they never stopped rustling the pom-poms. Why did she look happy why did Julia look happy to be apart, not just A-P-A-R-T the Lead. She wore the uniform with a C. They looked so stupid, a short mini skirt and a crop top that had the name of the school that I was to lazy to read and a picture of a wolf, our logo. But the uniform was white and black.

"Attention" her annoying dumb voice spoke up. "You are invited to try out for the cheerleading squad but don't count on it, its for those who have talent" she said harshly.

She was a bully, a bad friend that I would never accept or call my sister. She was a devil as I was in a angry manner to leave the halls but I nearly missed his gaze, nearly missed those chocolate brown eyes I was lost in. His hair was dark brown and in a quiff that drove me to madness. Quiff was my favourite hairstyle on a boy. He looked back at me and nodded. He was stunning attractive but not super I bet I was the only one starring at him. He was plain but perfect to me, I had no idea what I felt but I knew he was a dork. Textbooks under his arm he was shy and looked at his feet, then this guy pushed him into a locker and I watched in horror before turning

When I looked back I searched the hall for his dark brown hair and navy t-shirt. But he was gone I didn't know his name, but he was adorable like super cute. By now the first bell had rang. I held my schedule and binder and awkwardly ran with my bag slapping my legs and the faster I went the more it hurt. Finally I reached my classroom for English. And expecting the door to be open I turned the corner and ran right into the glass, and my face hit the glass of course the class burst into laughter. I mouthed the f bomb and stepped back opening the door

this time. They laughed as my feet shuffled into the class, my hands on my face. Even the teacher

Ms. Brown looked amussed but I quickly found a seat behind a guy and infront of a pretty girl. She had forest green eyes and golden colored hair, it to was stick straight like Alex. But her hair was not as long, It was at her breasts and maybe a slight bit longer. But she was cute, definatly and the boy infront of I don't know.

We wrote down the notes, but It was hard to see past this guy. So I gained some confidience and tapped him on the shoulder, his perfect figure turned around. He had golden hair too, and forest green eyes, but his face had lots of shape. His abs are very noticable through his shirt. But he looks at me and I lose words. So he just rolls his eyes and turns around to face the front. Then the bell rang, and it was out the class we streamed.

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