Chapter 21

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(Chris' p.o.v.)

I let what Ci said to me sink in some. She was very much right. Everything that has happened lately was all my fault. It was me who caused Chels to go into premature labor. It was me who neglected her for Robyn and let her come in between what we had. It was me who broke her heart numerous times. It was me who even believed what the media said before I went to her about any of it. And it was me who drove her to try and kill herself. I feel terrible and I wish everyday that I can take it all back.

All she ever wanted was my love and affection but I couldn't even do that. I gave it all away to some ho who used me.


I had been thinking about Chelsey so much ever since she got put in that mental hospital. I know she wasn't supposed to have visitors but I'm sure I could pull a couple strings to get Ci, Michael and I down there to see her.


(Ci's p.o.v.)

School. Oh how I didn’t miss it. Only one more month of it and I would be graduating. For the longest, I’d been taking online classes because I never wanted to go but I needed to get away from all of the madness that was going on in my life as well as my house hold. My parents were going at it constantly especially once my dad found out I was pregnant. He worked over seas at a contracting job and even though he was only back for two months, he’s making it feel like two years.

Bashing my mom every chance he got for not paying attention to the fact that I was having sex especially with my brothers best friend.

He and Michael sat down and talked from my understanding.

I had even moved in with my mom’s best friend, Shay for the time being and was planning on making that my permanent residence.


As I walked down the hallways of John Marshall, I couldn’t help but to reminisce about the memories I had at this school.

Ninth grade was the most memorable and also the craziest year. That’s when Chris blew up around the world and people used to go nuts over him so he had to be taken out of public school and be home schooled. People used to harass me about giving him their numbers but I would never agree to it. That’s how I became the bitch of the school. They thought that I thought I was the shit because that was my brother but that wasn’t the case. People get tired of shit like that. People were always using you just to get next to someone famous and I wasn’t going for it. Once they found out him and Chelsey had something going on, it got a little worse but of course like a rumor, it faded eventually.

I never befriended anyone other than Chelsey, a girl named Selena, and of course Mikey who ended up getting famous and leaving as well.


I went to the guidance office to pick up my schedule then headed to my old locker. I was surprised that I even remembered the code to it. I put one of my notebooks in it and headed to one of only two classes that I had.


I’d taken it before and failed miserably so I had to take it again. It was a bit much to observe cow eyes, cat hearts, and goat brains so I never participated. My online class only did virtual dissections but I was ready to get my hands dirty this time around.

As I rounded the the corner of the 400 hallway, the baby started to do cartwheels and was killing my sides. I stopped and pressed against my side, trying to get the baby to calm down but that only made it worse.

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