Justin looked at me and asked me what was wrong since he probably notice how worried my face was was.
"I uhh forgot about a dinner I was supposed to go to with..." I stopped mid sentence realizing I hadn't told him about me and Nash being together. I realized that he probably thought I was single this whole time. I stood up quickly since it was 8:15 and Nash told me he would pick me up at 8.
Apologizing to Justin I ran out the Starbucks, drove to my house and got in Nash's car and let me just say he looked really mad.
"I am so sorry babe I had somewhere to go after the interview and I didn't realize how long it was going to take," I said slowly hoping he would believe my lie. I felt really bad i was lying to him but I didn't want him to suspect that I was cheating on him.
"It's fine babe I understand," he replied in a sweet voice.
We went to the restaurant and ordered our food and we sat and talked until it was time for us to go home. I got to Nash's house and decided I was too lazy to go back home. So since I practically lived here I went to Nash's room that had some of my clothes in it and changed into some pjs.
I sat on the bed and checked my phone to see that I got a text from Justin, (J=justin,A=ali)
J- I hope you had a good time today and sorry about the dinner thing.
A- It's fine and I had a good time too.
J- Goodnight beautiful😘❤️
"Who's texting you, why are you smiling and blushing," Jack J. asked scaring me half to death.
"No one it was just something funny I read," I replied quickly not wanting anyone to find out about this. He rolled his eyes and walked away.
Nash walked back in the room and sat down next to me. He kissed me and said goodnight. Usually when I go to bed I can only think about Nash and how lucky I was to have him but I could only think about Justin this was not going to end well.
Hey guys so please tell other people about this story I am trying my best to update more often.
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