What did I do?

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A/N: I am sooo sorry about not updating in the past month I've just been grounded so sorry about that. So to recap :

~Harry's PoV~

I checked the time, after pressing the fourth floor button, seeing it was already 10 o'clock. I hope he wasn't sleeping yet. I hesitated when the doors opened on the fourth floor. I got off and slowly walked down the hall to Louis' room, still holding onto the rose.

I quietly knocked on the door, getting no response so I used the key card to open the door. What I saw inside, I will never forget, just like finding Louis in the bathroom a week ago. Louis was straddling a dark haired guy, snogging him. They were both shirtless and covered in red love bites. Louis had his hand down the other lads pants, obviously feeling the guy. I watched in horror as Louis started sucking on his neck, causing the guy underneath to moan. Both of them pulled apart and stared at me with wide eyes when I let out a loud whimper. It felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest and stomped on. Tears already steaming down my face.

"L-Louis?" I choked out before dropping the rose, blindly running out of the room.

~Louis' PoV~

Hawaii. I always thought this place was a good escape from reality. So, this is where I came. I already booked myself a hotel room and everything.

I pushed open the door to the local bar, immediately ordering a shot. I threw it back, enjoying the burn of the alcohol. I ordered a beer before ending up in a booth. I took a sip out of the bottle, the cool liquid burning my throat. I scanned the dance floor where all the sweaty bodies were grinding.

A giggling from my left distracted me from looking for some one to dance with. I looked over to be met by a girl with long dark hair and green eyes and a boy behind her that could pass as her twin but with blue-grey eyes, both my age. I waved to the girl, obviously a fan, and shot her a grin. The girl squealed a high pitch squeal.

"Oh my gosh! You are Louis Tomlinson! I absolutely love you! Is it true you tried to kill yourself!? I cried for so long when I found out, please don't tell me it's true." the girl kept babbling on and on as I stared past her and at the boy with her. He stared back just as intently, until I looked away, back at the girl.

"So, what's your name?" I asked the girl. She stopped mid-freaking out and answered me.

"Oh, my name is Dylan, and this is my twin brother, Oli. I'm a huge fan so he ends up having to deal with me freaking out a lot." Dylan kept rambling on while I nodded at Oli as my hello. I gestured for the two of them to sit across from me, even though I didn't care if Dylan was here or not. All I knew was her brother was hot, and I wanted to fuck him.

They slid into the booth across from me, Dylan still rambling while Oli looked shyly down at the table top. After a while, I finally got Dylan to stop freaking out and the three of us started having a normal conversation. We talked for a few hours, ordering a new beer when one was empty. I learned that, with my luck, Oli was gay, and was thrown out of his house by his parents. Dylan didn't think it was right so she moved out with him and together they bought a small apartment. I also found out that despite the fact he looks shy, he is wickedly funny. Dylan and Oli are indeed twins and Dylan is a bit crazy at times.

"Oh, gosh! The time! Oli, I'm going to be late!" Dylan exclaimed after looking at the time on her iPhone. I cocked my eyebrow, questioning what was happening.

"Chill Dylan. I'm pretty sure they won't leave without you." Oli replied to his twin, sliding out of the booth to let her out.

"You better be right, Oliver. If not, I am going to kill you once I get home." She scolded him. "Goodbye Louis, it was super awesome meeting you." She told me before turning and leaving Oli and I alone.

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