Awkward but Wonderful Breakfast

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I absentmindedly pressed the button for my floor on the lift and waited for the doors to reopen. I stumbled down the hallway to my room, grabbing the door handle but only to have the door open for me. Oli. I forgot about him.

"What are you doing back here?" He asked me, concerned. He was fully clothed and just about to leave. I shook my head and threw myself at him, not wanting to talk but I wanted the company. He seemed to get the message as he backed into the room and closed the door.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, sitting me on the bed and taking my shoes off for me.

"No, wait actually, might as well. You might be able to help me not end up like last time." He nodded as he crossed the hotel room to the kitchen part and pulled out a tub of ice cream from the freezer. What, how long has that been there? How did he even know it was there?

He grabbed a spoon from a drawer as he came back over to me, "I've stayed at this hotel before. They always keep a tub of ice cream in the freezer for the guests. I don't know why though." I took the ice cream from him and climbed up farther into my bed, Oli sitting next to me.

"So, your going to have to talk about it sooner or later." He told me. I took a deep breath before telling him everything. From first meeting Harry on the X-Factor to just now in the lift. Even though I just met Oli, I trust him a lot. He didn't interrupt at all, just nodded along with the story.

"So, he just left me in the lift, crying. Now here I am, crying to you." I finished, throwing the spoon into the now empty ice cream container. He must have done this before for Dylan because I feel a bit better now.

"He's just scared and alone, that's why he came all this way, so he could talk to you. He wanted to figure out what was going on, instead he walked in here and saw what he didn't want to see. I guarantee that if you try talking to him, he will understand that it's just your way of coping with a broken heart." He tried to rationalize.

"I'm glad your here, even if it did cause Harry to run away. I'm just glad to have a friend that knows what it's like." I told him, smiling for the first time in what feels like ages.

"And I'm glad to help, but about Harry, what are we gonna do?" I gave him a funny look which he returned with a questioning look.

"What do you mean 'we'? This is my mess, you don't need to help clean it up."

"I know, I just want to help. so since it's late, how about we start our plan tomorrow morning? Good? Good. Night, see you in the morning." He hastily said as he rolled over on my bed and turned off the lamp, not leaving like I expected.

"What are you doing?" I asked while laughing as he tried to 'cuddle' with me. I heard him let out an exasperated sigh, wiggling his way away from me.

"I was trying to get comfortable, but I see you don't like to cuddle. So, I came over here to cuddle with Mr. Pillow, he's much sexier than you anyways. Now goodnight, Mr. I-Don't-Like-To-Cuddle-Tomlinson!" I laughed at his ridiculousness and fell asleep, thinking of what I'm going to do about my Harry situation.


I woke up to a loud thud next to me. I had a pounding headache, which the thud only worsened. I groaned before sitting up to look down at the floor next to me. Oli. I nearly screamed at the sight of him grinning up at me because I forgot he stayed the night.

"Morning, Louis! How are you doing this fine morning?" He asked while getting up from laying on the floor. I groaned, pushing my head into the pillow further.

"Awh, Don't be like that Lou. I'm sure we can fix things and make it all better, but it's too early for plans yet. I need food! Come on, up! Breakfast is on me!" He said gleefully, dragging me out of my warm safe haven and pushing me into the bathroom.

He had already put clothes in the bathroom on the counter for me along with my toothbrush. I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth before re-entering the hotel room. Oli stood by the open door, waiting for me. I grabbed a jumper and threw it on over the tee shirt Oli had put in the bathroom for me before walking out with him.

"You look good today," Oli informed me as we walked down the street to a café near by. He said that the food was to die for. I snorted, "Oh, really? For some one who hasn't even brushed my hair yet and has a pounding headache due to a hang over, I don't feel like I look 'good' today." I retorted sassily.

"Well I think your hair looks nice right now and I picked out some nice clothes for you this morning. I can give you Advil if you need it, by the way." He shot back, becoming more sincere towards the end.

"Maybe when we get something to drink at this café of yours." I suggested.

We walked the last couple of blocks to the café in silence, none of us really wanting to talk. When we entered the café, the girl up front said we could seat ourselves so we did. We choose to sit at a round booth in the back, away from most of the people. A girl a little bit older than me came over and took our drink orders before leaving again. I looked around the small café to see only a few people eating at tables and booths, a couple waitresses working, and a lady behind the counter that looked like she was in her mid-forties.

I scanned back over the café only to be met with the sight of a disheveled Harry walking through the door. I immediately froze, hoping he wouldn't see us here, but with no such luck, Oli called him over. He came over to us cautiously, like he wanted the ground to open up underneath him and swallow him whole before he got to us.

"Hey, I'm Oli! Nice to meet you!" Oli greeted, scooting so he was in the middle of Harry and I. I stared across the table as Harry sat down and noticed that his eyes were red and puffy, and his face was paler than usual.

"I'm Harry." He mumbled quietly, avoiding looking at either of us at all. You could practically feel the awkwardness and tension so much that you could cut it with a knife.

"Here's your drinks. What would you like to drink, sir?" The waitress asked Harry, placing our drinks on the table.

"I'll have a coffee, please." She nodded before walking off, returning a minute later with Harry's coffee.

"Okay, now what can I get you boys to eat?" She asked, pulling out a pad of paper and a pen.

"I'll have the three French toast slices." I spoke for the first time since Harry had sat down with us.

"Breakfast burrito." Oli ordered, "I'll have the French toast too, please." Harry added. The waitress told us she would be back soon with the food before leaving again.

"Can I have some of that Advil now? My head is killing me still and I feel like I'm going to vomit. I should still be passed out in that hotel room but because of you, I'm here. God, Oli I swear I'm going to get you back for all of this. " I motioned to the café around us, completely ignoring Harry.

"Yeah, yeah. You still love me." he teased, sticking his tongue out childishly. Harry visibly tensed up at Oli's remark. I smirked, if Harry reacted that way then that means he probably is jealous. Let's see how much I can make him jealous before he bursts.

"Oh, I love you so much. I'd die for you, I'll even get down on one knee for you. Right here, right now." I teased back, sending Oli a look that he understood what I was trying to do. Harry tightened his grip on his coffee mug, knuckles going white.

"Would you? Would you really? I mean it sure didn't seem like it with you all over that other guy at the club last night. It seemed as if you thought he was better than me." Oli sighed dramatically, looking as if he was insecure. Damn, he's a good actor. Harry looked like he was ready to break something. His nostrils were flaring, his grip on the coffee mug really tight.

"I told you I was sorry, baby. You should know that. Plus, I thought I did a good job making it up to you last night." I winked at Oli. This must have sent Harry over the edge as he stood up abruptly, staring down at me.

"Can I speak to you in private for a moment, please?" He asked through clenched teeth, his fists balled. I nodded and hopped up, giving a 'wish me luck' look to Oli before following behind him to the bathroom.

Harry slammed the bathroom door closed behind me and locked it. He turned around to face me quickly, nostrils still flaring and knuckles white on his clenched fists. The sight terrified me actually. So much that I took a step back away from him, my back hitting the wall. He stalked forward before stopping inches from me.

"You move on quick." He growled. I tried to shrink back further but the wall was preventing me from doing so. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out except for a strangled noise.

"Speechless I see? Was it all a big show? To pretend to be in love with me, try and kill yourself, run away, try and quit the band, and manage to get me to fall in love with you?! This is just sick, it's all sick Louis! Especially all of the drinking and sleeping around you've been doing! You don't know how confused and scared and angry I am right now!" He yelled. "It's scary, I'm scared Louis." His eyes immediately softening, fists unclenching.

"It's all real Harry. None of it was fake. I am in love with you, I did try and kill myself, I am quitting the band, and you know what? All of this, this, me sleeping around with different guys and getting drunk every night, its my way of coping. It's my way of trying to move on." I quietly said. "And, all the stuff Oli and I were saying out there was just to make you jealous. I didn't really do any of that stuff. When you walked in yesterday was when we stopped because I ran after you. I tried to make things better. Then you wouldn't let me explain myself to you so I went back to the room where Oli was just leaving but he stayed to help me out with all of these problems. I'm sorry I hurt you. You don't deserve it, just another reason why I should quit the band, so I'm not around all the time." I admitted, looking at the ground. I felt Harry's fingers tugging my chin up to face him.

"Hey, look at me," he whispered, "your not leaving the band, and I still want you around. Incase you haven't heard, being your stubborn self and all, I love you. I love you so god damn much it scares me." I looked in his eyes the whole time he was talking and all I saw was honesty. I couldn't take it any longer.

I leaned forward just enough so our lips were just slightly touching, not wanting to scare him. He immediately pressed his lips harder against mine, his hands moving to my waist while my arms wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved slowly and in harmony. My whole body was ignited into flames just by this one kiss as he pushed me further into the wall. My fingers slipped into his curls, twirling the soft locks of hair, as Harry traced his tongue over my bottom lip. I cautiously opened my mouth, letting him in, not sure how far this was going to last. All coherent thoughts left my mind as our tongues brushed against each other, making me moan into his mouth at the contact. We pulled away to catch our breathes, resting his forehead against mine.

"I love you, Harry." I whispered, not wanting to pop this bubble of surrealism if I was too loud.

"I love you, Louis." He whispered back. I felt a smile make its way onto my face, a real one not just faked. He entwined our hands together before leading us back out to the booth where a smirking Oli sat with our food.

"So, I assume everything's all good now? You don't hate me do you, Harry?" Oli asked, taking a bite out of his breakfast burrito. Harry shook his head while taking a bite of his own food.

We continued eating our breakfast, joking around the whole time. When it was time to go, Oli looked at his phone and left saying something about having to pick Dylan up. We promised to text each other soon, exchanging our numbers. Once Oli had finally left, Harry grabbed my hand and started walking towards the hotel I was staying in.

"What are we doing? I mean, what are we? Are we still friends or?" I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Well since it isn't really official, will you be my boyfriend, Louis William Tomlinson?" he asked with a cheesy grin on his face.

"Absolutely not." I replied with a straight face, watching his grin disappear immediately, tears welling in his eyes.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered, dropping my hand and backed away from me.

"I'm kidding! Yes, I will be your boyfriend, Harold Edward Styles." I said, grabbing his hand and tugging him closer before kissing him again in the middle of the hotel lobby.


A/N: Wow I am so sorry because this chapter did not turn out the way I expected and it kinda sucks. I also couldn't come up with a better chapter name so yeah. Anyways, please vote, comment, fan, whatever else you crazy whales do. (I have recently developed a weird obsession with whales lately, I even have socks with whales on them.) Stay crazy. Xx

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