My First Love Is Kris? Chapter 2

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My First Love Is Kris? Chapter 2

‘’O-o-OH MY GOSH!’’ Mina’s jaw dropped. ‘’Thats. EXO’s.KRIS!!!!!’’ Her finger was shaking while pointing at him. Hana quickly turned her head around. She shook off Kris’s hand and went towards Mina. ‘’Mina! Finally you’re here. Didn’t I tell you not to come?’’  ‘’Well, you didn’t let me talk, did you?’’ ‘’I guess I di-‘’ Before Hana could finish, Mina had shoved her away to go to Kris. ‘’Oh wow, you’re a lot taller in person! Oh ma gash. You’re my number bias too!’’ ‘’-Coughs sarcastically- Eruhm, Mina, how come you never told me about this guy and this ‘EXO’ group?’’

Mina was into her own world with Kris. Kris wasn’t amused. She asked for a selca, he refused. It seemed that he was too focused on Hana. ‘’Hey well Mina, will you focus on the fact that we have no place to stay?’’ Mina had flicked her forehead, ‘’Omoo, I’m sorry. I guess we could stay at a hotel?’’ Hana had made the money gesture. ‘’Yeah.. We don’t have the money, dummy.’’

Kris’s eyes suddenly turned wide.  ‘’Well.. You would live in our dorm for a couple of days?’’ ‘’Ye-‘’ Hana interrupted, ‘’No, I’d think we’d be fine in a hotel.’’ Mina nudged her with her elbow. ‘’Ugh, fine, I guess. JUST for a couple of days..’’

As soon as Kris heard ‘fine’ he had ran to his manager. ‘’Manager! There are these 2 girls who have no where to stay, would you mind letting them stay at our dorm for a couple of days?’’ Kris was jumping up and down like a little kid. ‘’Kris, we can’t just let random people come and live with you.’’ ‘’Oh, oh, no! They ain’t crazy fans, trust me.’’ Manager oppa nodded. ‘’Okay, I’ll go and inform your members about this.’’

The members of EXO were extremely happy that they had new visitors, especially since they were all males.

Mina & Hana were requested to meet the boys. ‘’Annyeonghaseyo, jeileum eun Mina yeyo!’’ Mina bowed. ‘’Annyeonghaseyo, jeileum eun Hana yeyo.’’ Hana bowed. The manager had to tell the members that they didn’t know much Korean, ‘’Boys, these girls don’t know much Korean, so if you want you can tell Kris what you’d want to tell them. Or try with your English.’’ All of the boys responded with yes. They one by one went up to Hana and introduced themselves, since Mina already knew them, she just fan-girled.

It was time for them to finally leave the mall, and go to the SM Building. 


Authors Note~

I hope you guys liked it! It was a boring chapter to me.. I didnt know what to do. (/_\)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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