The crush

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It was a normal day at Hogwarts. James and Remus were in there dorm talking about anything really. "So how's it going with you and Sirius, Remus.''

"Fine and what about you, when are you going to admit that you like Severus"

"Whhaatt, i have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh come on James, how stupid do you think we are, anyone with eyes can see it. Also your blushing red as a tomato."

"Yeah, yeah. Look at the time, gotta run see you later Remus."


One hour later James is walking through the castle and pulled out the map, "I solemnly swear i am up to no good." when he did that he saw that Severus was in the potions classroom. "Good at least i don't have to worry about him finding out that is have a crush on him. Mischief managed." Little did he know that a very close friend of Severus's heard this and ran to tell Severus.

    "Severus, Severus, Severus you'll never guess what i just heard."

"What is it Lily, what did you hear?''

" I overheard James saying that he like's you. Before you say anything I am not kidding at all."

"What Lily you probably just misheard him or something. Besides why would I care who Ja-Potter likes."

"Oh come on everyone knows that you like James. I mean you're blushing so hard right now."

"What no i'm not, look Lily I have to go and do some homework. Bye."And with that said Severus walked away.


Severus was doing his homework on his bed in his dorm. When Lucius walked. "So what's this I hear about you liking James Potter."

"Uhg, who told you?"


"Of course she did. So why did you come to ask me it's not like he likes me or anything, anyway."

"You never know Severus, maybe he does. I mean Lily said she heard him say he liked you.''

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I have to go see you."

    Severus was walking through the halls when he ran into James. "Hey watch where you're goin-. Oh Snivellus it's you. Uh, I have to go. Bye."

"That was weird and why was he blushing so much." 'Oh well none of my concern anyway.'

James was running back to his dorm when he ran into Remus. "Moony i have to talk to you right now, in private"

"Ok Prongs let's go to the dorm"

When they got to the dorm James started asking a sorts of questions about dating.

"Wooo, Prongs calm down what is this all about.''

"Uggghhhhh, Moony how do i ask out Severus help me please.''

So Remus and James spent the whole night making plans on how James could ask out Severus. The only problem was whether or not Severus would say yes or not.

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