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Shawn's Pov:

I watched my beautiful wife put the dishes away in peace as she sang softly. I didn't want to do anything, yet I did. I just stared at her as the sun from outside shined on her beautiful skin.

My daughter Layla ran into the room playing with her Toys. "Hi daddy!" She beamed and she hugged my leg, "Hey baby" I whispered.  She looked up at her mother keeping her voice down low "what is she doing?"  She asked as she sat down on the floor "washing dishes and singing" she nodded her head.

"I want mommy to sing to me more often, her voice is so soothing." She said softly. I nodded my head in agreement. I love my wife, she's everything I could ever ask for, something I could never give up. Tears started falling down my face.

"Daddy? Why are you crying?" Layla asked as I picked her up, she wiped my tears with her tiny fingers. "Nothing baby" And silent whimper came next to me as I looked at (Y/N) "oww fuck" she cussed. I looked down to see broken glass and her hand cut. "Oh babygirl" I yelled running to her and grabbing her hand softly

Only for my hands to go right through her. (Y/N) cried and whimpered which caused me to feel the pain in my heart, I wish I was there for her. "Baby I will always be with you, I promise" I said into her ear. (Y/N) seemed to calm down a by as she relaxed and smiled and continued onto singing softly. I song I wrote for her actually.

I picked up Layla and walked out the door into the bright light we called home. "I miss mommy" Layla yawned. "Could we see her tomorrow?" She asked as she layed her head onto my shoulder. "Of course princess" I said kissing the scar on her forehead only for her to fall asleep.

(Y/N)'s Pov:
I cut my hand and cried oh I missed shawn and my babygirl so much, I wish I picked Layla up from school. She wouldn't have gotten shot on the head and my husband for fight off that terrible man.

I whimpered, not from the pain on my hand but how I missed his touch and the noisy pitter patter of my daughters feet. She was only 7.

I felt a cool relaxing sensation and I felt at ease for once, I continued on sing never be alone, I knew for a fact I wasn't Alone.

Oh how I missed Shawn and Layla.

O my gosh! It's been forever I'm sorry! Lacrosse season is about to end soon so I have much more time on my hands but I hope you enjoyed this quick imagine lol have a goodmorning or goodnight hahah ily 💓

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