Chapter 1

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"I got it!" I screamed before breaking into a sprint after a short fly ball. I ran in and dove towards the ball to have it land perfectly in my glove. I stand up and hold up the ball as proof I caught it. I brush myself off and throw the ball back to my coach.
"Nice job Claire! Way to go get it!" bellowed my obnoxious coach, Todd Bradley.
"Alright bring it in." he yells. My whole softball team runs in from their positions to the pitcher's mound where my coach is standing.
"Good practice! You ladies may have the rest of the week off since it'll be the fourth of July. Come back ready to practice next Monday!" he says while looking out at the field.
We all make our way to the dugout and pack up our gear. I watch the coach come up to me and stare at my butt. I know these softball pants are tight but damn, he's a coach! I clear my throat and turn around to meet him eye to eye.
"If you'll excuse me please," I say innocently as I make my way around him to grab my bat off the rack. I notice his eyes follow me and I can feel the anger course through my veins.
I quickly walk past him and put my bat in its correct place in my softball bag and make way out of the dugout. All I could see was his brown eyes locked on my ass as if it were a drink of water after walking through the desert.
I made my way to my car and quickly put my bag in the trunk and started my drive home. I couldn't get that filthy pig out of my head.
As I came up to a stop sign, I noticed a boy. He looked about my age. He had a white hoodie on and black pants. I felt a strange concern grow in my stomach. It was for him. I was kinda put off by this dude.
I obeyed the sign and stopped. I opened my window a tiny little crack and asked if the boy needed help. He lifted his white hood off his face and revealed himself to me. He tilted his head and cracked a wicked smile.
"OH HELL NO!" I yelled as I sped off towards my home. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope." I kept muttering as I finally accepted that I could not unsee that gruesome sight.
My brain had to be and ass and keep replaying that horrific scene. The huge carved smile wasn't what got to me, nor did the snow white skin or the black charred shoulder length hair. It was the deep black soulless orbs called eyes that this thing had.
It finally clicked, he was lidless! This thing had no eyelids! I am not labeling that thing a man. It wasn't even close to human. The look in its eyes was inhuman.
I made my way safely back home and ran quickly inside. I was greeted by my mother.
"How was practice sweetie?" she asked with a smile. I didn't dare tell her about couch Bradley. She'd kill him. I didn't need any more drama tonight.
"Good. We don't practice until next Monday. I can't believe we have a whole week off," I said while taking off my cleats.
"Well that's good!" she said with a genuine smile. I would do anything to see that smile.
"Monday's at work stink! I got coffee spilled on my lap twice! And I'm not even the one that spilled it!" She said with a little chuckle.
I gave her a warm smile and laughed at her. "You forgot to take off your nametag you ding dong," I said while unfastening her nametag that read Reese.
She slightly laughed and mentioned that dinner was on the table. I set her nametag aside and ran to the table. I enjoyed every moment off the italian dish my mother had made. I moaned in delight as I finished my amazing spaghetti.
"Thank you mom! That was amazing!" I sang as I got up out of my chair and walked over to her. She smiled a warm smile at me and I melted. I love her so much. "Goodnight mama," I said while hugging her.
"Why are you acting like a baby?" she asked while giving me a playful shove that sent me off the couch.
"Because I am one. I can't believe you would push your baby off a couch!" I huffed
"Oh, well you better believe it."
"I'd rather not."
"I didn't know an infant could talk."
"Would you rather me scream and cry?"
"No. I'd rather yo-"
"Too late," I cut her off, "WAHHH!" I cried trying to sound like a chipmunk in a blender.
She scooped me up and rocked me like the baby I was. I put my thumb in my mouth and sucked on it playing along with the baby theme. She then began to sing me my favorite lullaby.
"Hush now my baby
Hush now my love
The angels are watching
From Heaven above
They know that I love you
They know that it's true
I'll stay here beside you
Whatever you do
When I wake up beside you
I feel like I shine
I wish you forever
And ever be mine
A new day tomorrow
When you open your eyes
You let in the sunshine
And all darkness dies"
She leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight mom, I love you," I said meaning every word.
"I love you too sunshine. Sweet dreams," She said while smiling at me. I rolled off her lap and walked into my room.
I slipped on my pajamas, which consisted of a camisole and shorts, and took my light brown, almost blonde, hair out of my ponytail. I brushed it out and looked at the wavy mess that was about four inches passed shoulder length.
I turned out the light switch and sprinted to my bed. I quickly jumped on it and under my blankets. I fell into sleep as my last thoughts that flickered through my mind were of that, thing.

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