20. Melvin Blue

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Tisa p.o.v

I wake up my eyes open slowly.

I felt my baby arms around me.

When I go to my phone I called Grayce 

We chat for a bit.  I was off and I had to meet with The lady...

I decided to roll back asleep ....

A few hours later I took a nice shower.

Through on a dress with some sandals..

Dropped my hair and kissed von

I walked to the car and played some music.

I plugged the address in my g.p.s

And got lost in my Lisa fisher how can I ease the pain..

Everytime that.i let you in. You take away something deep within...

A fool for love is a fool for pain...but I refuse loving you again...

I remember when I used to jam to that then my mind would get lost in it..

How can I ease the pain....in my heart. How can I ease the in my heart......

I sang that to the top of my lungs.  ....

I started laughing remembering all those moments. 

Singing in my room.... going to parties.

My destination was on the left.

I parked grabbed my purse.

I was greeted by her secretary and she led me in the room...

Where she was speaking with a man.

A man a fine man.. the kind of man that when you see him your pussy is talking for you...

I stand there and I watch his eyes glue with mine.

He looked memorized. ...

Like he knew who he wanted and I mean badly.

She makes her way over to me.

Hey,  I want you to meet my friend

Her name is Tisa, 

Hi, tisa

I seen a man tall green eyes light skin. He was beautiful.  He smiled and put out his hand

HI my name is Melvin,

Charity told me you tried the product . What did you think.

I feel it was great .

Hmm hmm. Just great.  

Well, I have to catch you guys later. Charity said.

She left in a hurry.



Why do you look very pensive relax.

How long have you been using the products.i asked.

A bout 3 years now.

So what's your favorite one.

It's called Cherries is the Valley.

Hmm hmm.  

Why do you like it so much.

Well, are you a lesbian 

Oh no. Then you wouldn't understand 

I laughed , but he had a look in his eye when he said that to me.

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