Chapter 3

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As I get closer to home, my little sister texts and asks if I can come to her school. She is a member of the cadet unit at Old Harbour High and she has training this evening.

She doesn't like to go home alone because she leaves at night and although she has a couple friends that live close, she still has to walk a good while alone. I'm very protective of my sister so I don't hesitate to say yes. Plus there is just this one Lance Corpal who interests me. I have no idea what his first name is but I know his last name is Reid since they only address him as such.

Upon arrival, I feel butterflies in my stomach. The people at my sister's school have never seen me in my uniform and honestly, I'm afraid they'll look at me weird or even worse, laugh at me.

I walk quickly past two opened classes before finally reaching the cadet room. I stay a good distance and watch as they highers ranks drill the lower ones. It's truly a nice sight to watch them march up and down the corridor in such a coordinated way. When it's over and they are allowed to leave, I collect a mirage of hugs from most of the cadets. They've seen me on weekends but never on school days, until now.

I try my best not to stare at Reid as he walks around but I can't help but admire his power over people, including me. He spots me and I dart my eyes away trying not to look at him but through the corner of my eye, I see him approach me.

He taps me on the shoulder and I turn around.

"So you nah flick di number on me?" He asks with much more confidence than most.

I so badly want to give him my number but I can't. Not yet. I heard him talking to his girlfriend once on the phone but I don't know if they are still together and I don't want to get hurt again.

"Why you want it?" I respond in a stupid attempt to not just stand there and look dumb.

"What people have other people number for fren?" He is clearly annoyed and amused at the same time.

He knows the effect he has on me already. He's just that arrogant and observant. He's my height, 5 ft 9", dark, controlling, aggressive and loud. He has full lips and there are almost always circles under his eyes but I finger he just stays up late and studies, like I do.

I am totally caught off guard when Jevaughn wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug and pulling me away from my thoughts. I hadn't realized that Reid had walked off. He always does that. He can be a real as sometimes.

I hug Jevaughn back and he releases then smiles at me.

"Me never know a say Queen's uniform ugly" He says and I laugh.

My uniform is ugly compared to theirs. It's a long straight grey tunic with a zipper at the back, a long sleeved white blouse which you have to fold and a plain red tie that should be tucked into the tunic. Their uniform was green and straight at the top and pleated at the bottom with a belt around the waist and a yellow blouse with a varying amount of green stripes on each sleeve which was dependent on the grade you were in. For the males they wore a full khaki suit with either green or yellow stripes on each sleeve dependent on grade and shift.

I shift uncomfortably as the adult Sergeant approaches the unit. They are required to fall in for an important announcement. He glares at me before disappearing behind a wall.

The adult Sergeant looks very intimidating. He is taller than I am, has a light completion (some may call him fair), he is loud, takes charge and seems to be a very serious man. I can't help but wonder what he is like when he is not around the unit and why he keeps staring at me.

He finishes his speech and my sister asks me to retrieve her phone from the unit's stores. She pushes me to the door before I can protest and since I'm not brave enough to just barge in, I ask Reid to get it for me.

"If me do it you a go give me your number??" He says fixing his belt to leave.

"Me have to give you my number for you to go get a little phone for me??" My annoyance clear in my voice.

"Yea. He laughs. "Me can't do something for you without and not getting what I want." He continues while smiling.

I think for a moment then hold his arm as he is about to leave.

"Fine. But you have to go get the phone first." I half smile.

"No, that's not how it work. You gimme your number then I go get the phone." He says piercing the air with two fingers.

I debate before I finally give him my number and he gets the phone and gives it to me. I thank him and leave with my little sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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