"The air here smells fresh and vibrant, the royal palace is truly a work of art," Orion said. "What do you think James?" Orion turned around to see James sitting on a stone bench fiddling with a pebble. James looked up, uninterested.
"Yeah it's fine," His lack of interest was ignored and the boys carried on into the palace. Credible dignitaries and military officials strolled by, making idle conversation and gossiping amongst themselves. They walked on polished gray cobblestone, surrounded by large, exotic trees. In the middle of the courtyard a silver, magically flowing fountain shimmered in the sunlight.
Orion walked confidently toward the entrance of the palace, with James slowly following behind with his hands in his pockets. They stopped at the fountain and Orion pulled out a paper map from the brown bag he carried the minotaur's horn in.
"It looks like we're in the right place. Someone should be here to meet us at the entrance," Orion looked around eagerly but didn't see anyone. The two boys continued on the cobblestone walkway, slowly approaching the palace doors. The palace building was crimson red and the roof was made of what appeared to be solid gold. The building was not tall, but was very wide, and separated the different sections of the courtyard with large doors. Orion stood before the palace entrance admiring the beauty of the architecture.
"Stunning isn't it?" A gentle, yet commanding female voice muttered from behind the boys. They turned around to see a girl approximately their age, slightly shorter than Orion. She wore a dark purple backless dress and her neck was adorned with a solid gold necklace. James noticed her gentle footsteps creep behind them, and the two embraced each other in a hug. "Amelia!" James grabbed her and lifted her up slightly. "I haven't seen you in forever! How's your brother?"
"Oh Eli? Pshhhh I can never keep track of him anymore. He should be here for the meeting today though," Amelia was naturally beautiful despite her abnormal hair. Her eyes were the perfect color of hazel. Orion couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She looked past James and noticed Orion, who noticed and looked away.
"Who is this?" She asked. James turned his head, looked at Orion then turned back.
"That's my best friend Orion," James looked back again. "I think he's into you," he whispered.
She giggled. "I think Chloe went to the meeting room before everyone, maybe you could catch up with her while I give your friend a tour."
James raised his brow in confusion. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah it should be..." she looked at Orion admiring the palace's architecture, "amusing." James headed towards the meeting room, and as he walked past Orion, he waved goodbye.
"See ya buddy," He smiled.
Amelia tapped Orion on the shoulder to greet him. "Hi I'm Amelia," she shook his hand.
"Orion," he said nervously. "How do you know James?" He asked. Amelia looked confused by the question as if Orion should already know the answer.
"James visits the palace a fair amount, mainly to spend time with Ms.Certus."
"Who?" The two began to walk inside the palace and were greeted by a marble flooring. Three vast hallways greeted the pair, one to the left, one to the right, and another one in front of them.
"Follow me," she walked down the hallway in front of them. Her red leather slippers did not make a sound, as she walked comfortably beside Orion; as if she had known him her whole life.
"Were you the one assigned to meet us?"
"Yes," she responded.
"How did you know?" Orion stopped and asked. The questioned echoed through the vast hallway. Amelia stopped.
FantasyIn the kingdom of Almeria Orion and James realize that they've evolved from simple demon hunting to, being apart of a gigantic world. Full of Magic, mystery, action and romance. Incarnation is going to have you hooked until you're begging for more