One» Relocated & Lost

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Chapter One- Relocated & Lost

Songs for this chapter:
To Build A Home- The Cinematic Orchestra


Stepping cautiously out of the taxi cab, I tightly gripped onto the handle of my new purple suitcase. The cool fall wind picked up for a moment and managed to send unpleasant chills through my body, despite the two thick layers attempting to protect it from the cold weather.

A soft sigh evacuated my lungs as I stared up at the mansion. My eyes lifted and examined the exterior of the enormous building that was at least one hundred times larger than my little apartment. And one hundred times creepier, too. Everything about the old, rather run down mansion was chilling, at least, on the outside. A few windows were even shattered to add to the eerie aura surrounding it. I would be all that surprised if it was haunted, or if there were vampires or something like that.

But, despite the current appearance of the mansion, I still held memories of when I was just a young child. Back then, I thought this old place was gorgeous. And it has been, when the owners -also known as my aunt, uncle, and cousins- had been properly taking care of it. Unfortunately, a few months back, my aunt had fallen ill and had to be flown out to a hospital all the way in Europe where they could properly treat her. The rest of the family had recently left to go visit her for a few weeks or so, and left me the responsibility of taking care of their house.

It will be strange. It's been years since I've last returned to this place, and it looks a hell of a lot different than it used to. I don't like it very much. I've never been one for bad scares, and I know that staying in this old mansion, all alone, with no one within ten miles will definitely prove a challenge for me. Don't get me wrong, I manage to enjoy horror movies, but, I'd prefer not living in one. I'll pass on that, thank you very much. But... This one time, that's not an option for me. I have a responsibility to take care of this place while my relatives are away -plus they're paying me three thousand dollars, so that's always a plus. If you haven't realized already, my aunt and uncle are absolutely, undeniably loaded.

It's rather strange how they haven't paid a house keeper, gardened, maid, personal chef, and butler to respond to their every call. Maybe if they did, I wouldn't be the one responsible for this old place. Then again, I also wouldn't be getting paid my three thousand dollars, so... I wonder if they'd pay me more if I tidied up a bit while I'm here, you know, clean up the leaf covered lawn with dead grass decorating the ground. Then again, the outside appearance of the place may not be as bad as what's on the inside.

Maybe I could still have the cab driver take me back home, where it's not haunted. My eyes nervously glanced back at the taxi, only to see that it had already driven off, leaving me stranded in this strange, eerie place. Whelp, that plan is a dud. There's no turning back now, I'd there? Seeing that I have zero means of transportation and barely enough money to get by -since they haven't paid me yet-, I have no choice but to stay.

When they informed me of the situation I would be out in, they explained their kitchen was packed to the brim full of any and all foods they thought would be necessary for my 'survival' in their home. Along with a whole wardrobe of clothes and accessories just for me just incase because they are just those kind of people. They really didn't want me to buy anything, let alone the leave the house unless completely necessary. Therefor, they packed the house full of anything and everything they thought I may need or desire while I reside in their home.

It's rather generous of them, if you ask me. It's been years since I've seen them in person, yet they have faith in me to make sure nothing happens to their home, and leave me everything a girl could ever desire; food, -believe it or not- electricity, and an endless supply of clothes. It sounds like a daydream disguised as a nightmare. Seeing as the house is something you'd think you'd see in a horror movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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