He Does Love Me❤️

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You weren't the skinniest girl. You never liked the way you were shaped. Big thighs, big chest, stomach sometimes poked out, you just hated the rolls on your back. You thought you would never find love... until Daniel came along.

You just got done taking a shower. You then moisturized with your favorite lotion and put on grey Nike shorts, a white shirt , and your emoji socks.

You and your boyfriend Daniel were planning to have a movie night tonight

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You and your boyfriend Daniel were planning to have a movie night tonight. While you waited for him you scrolled through Instagram. A photo of you came up on your feed, along with a disrespectful comment.
"Why is Daniel even with this whale?? I don't get it!! She's not even pretty! Daniel doesn't deserve to be with a worthless girl like her! It makes him look bad😒"

You sat there in disbelief. Is that how his fans really thought of you?? You kept reading comments.
"Daniel probably doesn't even want to be with her. He probably felt bad for her😂 ole cow lookin self !😭"
" She really thinks she cute tho! We all know she suckin in that fat of hers😂. "
" I wonder if Daniel can actually fit his arms around her🤔?"
"She probably eat up everything! Daniel is probably broke from buying her food all the time😂😂!"

By this time you were in tears. You were so hurt. You started questioning your relationship.
"Hey babe! I got us pizza, soda, chips and- hey, what's the matter?" Daniel questioned.

" I'm fine, Daniel." You lied.
"You're not though." He said while coming to hug you but you jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom, and locked it.

"Y/N, please tell me what's wrong." Daniel said.
You just kept quiet. But those horrible comments were still in your mind. You started to sob.

"Baby? Are you crying? Please open up..." Daniel begged.
Daniel then heard your phone go off multiple times, so he checked it, hoping he finds an answer. He unlocks your phone and it goes straight to Instagram. He became disgusted at the rude comments under the picture of his beautiful girlfriend. It made Daniel really upset.
"Why would they harass babygirl like that?" He says in disbelief.
He locks your phone and then goes to find a Bobby pin on your dresser. He then unlocks the bathroom door.
Daniel finds his girlfriend curled in a ball on the floor, sobbing.
"Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry..." Daniel says while lowering to the floor so he can comfort her.
"Why?" You say.
"They're just jealous babe." Daniel said while wrapping his arms around you.
"Jealous of what??" You semi-yelled while standing up.
"I'm big Daniel! I've been joked about it all of my 17 years of life! Everyone says, 'keep your head up beautiful,' but am I really beautiful? Do I deserve you Daniel? Do I embarrass you? Do I stress you out? Do we look great together? I'm sorry I'm so insecure, I want to change, but nothing works." You confess.
You look up at the mirror and see that Daniel is behind you, looking upset.
"I never knew you felt that way." He says while he wraps his arms around your waist.
" Y/N, I don't care about what the others say about me. I honestly don't. You've been there for me so many times. You support me so much, and I truly appreciate that. You're gorgeous. I don't think you're big. The only thing that's big, is your heart. You're so sweet and genuine. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you." Daniel confessed.
You couldn't believe his words. You finally realized that this boy truly loves you and is going to stay by your side, forever.
"Daniel, I love you so much." You said.
" oh baby I love you more. " Daniel said.
"Remember, you're beautiful in my eyes. I love your curves, they give me something to grab on." He says while gripping your waist.
You just blushed and kissed him.
"I want you to also remember that they're jealous of you because I can do this," he says while passionately kissing you.
"This." He says while picking you up by your thighs and sat down on your bed,which surprised you.
"And this." He says while squeezing your butt and kissing your neck.
"Danielll." You say while chuckling.
"I'm sorry, it's just so round." He says while winking and biting his lip.
"Thank you for making me feel better. I really appreciate you." You say.
"Of course babe, I'm always here for you." He says.
"Am I heavy?" You shyly ask.
"Nooo, never." He says while smirking.
You then felt something poke your inner thigh. You jumped because you were surprised.
"Woah babe! Don't do that, imma get more excited." He said laughing.
"Oh my gosh Daniel." You said laughing while getting off of him.
"Are we still continuing this move night?" You ask.
"Yea of course❤️." He answered.
"Go pick a movie." Daniel said while smacking your butt.
"Okay, Daniel."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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