3 | Fidelity

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It was peaceful.

Almost too peaceful to believe, but I did anyways. The hazy surroundings and the closed off distances kept my mind ignorant, letting me see only what I understood.

There was a warmth to this place. Wherever I was...

My head turned to either side, in search of something other than the constant yellow-orange glow that took over the earth. I thought I sensed a breeze riffling over my skin, but when I sniffed the air through a long drag of breath, there was nothing. My heart barely beat--making my body sluggish and overbearing--and my hands twitched anxiously at my sides.

I could feel something. It felt so real and familiar it was almost as if its presence consumed me. My eyes narrowed through the haze as my mouth opened to call out...but nothing escaped. Throat getting tight and eyes puckering, I reached up to wipe away my tears. But my hands weren't tangible. Nothing was tangible and so my tears just fell.

"Mom!" My head cried, echoing through the unseen lands. Then, all at once, colors began to appear, bright and vivid in all shades of greens and blues.

Once again, the sense of peace washed over me.

Wobbling a little where I stood as I took a blind step forward, a phantom wave of wind pushed me back.

"Stay where you are child." A sweet, caring, and soothing voice licked at my ears. The ground beneath my feet could be heard suddenly as that wind from before became real and sent a soft brush of thin grass to dance near my feet.

"But where am I?" I called back and my throat became sore, my voice cracking at the end. My hands went up to my throat and I grasped it tight.

A soft outline of a figure appeared before me and my mouth parted in awe as the shape of the being looked so feminine. Could this be my mom? I seemed to ask myself. But something in me told myself that this all was just a trick. Why would my mom want to me to stay where I was in the forest? With a Reaper and two Firebirds that claimed Faeries were real?

I shook my head and the world bounced in and out of view, causing my eyes to cross and my brain to swell slightly.

"Don't leave me." The voice was clear and I found myself crying on the ground, touching the grass before myself. "They'll harm you..."

"Who will harm me?" I shouted up to the sky. The figure stepped closer, my breath seizing as terror flowed through my veins.

The figures arm stretched forward slowly and I watched with wide eyes as the hand of the figure passed the haze. "The dark ones will hunt you child. They are coming and want your heart."

I shunned away from the hand and fell onto my back. "My heart?" I shrilled with a raspy voice.

A stomp sounded next to my ear and I looked to my right to find a foot, beautiful and painted like marble, had landed right next to me. I looked up cautiously to find the hem of a dress dangled before my breasts. "Don't give him your heart child. He'll twist it and take your purity."

"I don't understand!"

The figure's knees bent and the elongated torso of the apparent female, leaned forward to show me a faceless face. I screamed in terror as its hand reached out and grabbed my neck. "The ring is your way out!" The figure growled as its face vibrated when it spoke. Twisting its neck from one shoulder to the other and snapping it back all in one fluid motion, the face slowly began to transform. "Don't give him your fidelity." The figure whispered with an eerie undertone.  "The crown has fallen and must be repaired. The dark ones have planned to use your blood as the silver to change the crown. Your life belongs in the hands of your foe, your life--"

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