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***Monday Morning***
I pulled on my black leggings then shoved my maroon hoody on. It was Damon's so it was baggy on me and smelled like him. I smiled at my reflection and pulled my converse on. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way out into the summer heat. Pawpaw had an appointment with his cardiologist today so they weren't there to greet me. I was already hot before I made it to the truck but that's the price you pay to cover your fat up. I sigh and slide into my truck.
I pulled into the parking lot just as Carter was getting out of his truck. Maybe I should stay in my truck where I'm safe from his intoxicating smell. I looked to his smiling feature and couldn't help but break out into a smile myself. He glanced over at me and our eyes met. I gasped at the sudden stirring of emotion in my stomach and the howling of my wolf. I quickly bowed my head breaking the connection. I drug myself across the parking lot as the bell rang signaling the day had started. I bound up to Damon and slung my arms around him. "Isn't that my sweatshirt?" He asks innocently. "Not anymore!" I tease. I tense up when I hear a growl erupt from behind me. I slowly turn to see a very pissed Carter across the parking lot eyeballing us. I smirk at him and sweetly kiss Damon on the cheek. I can see his body shaking from the corner of my eye and I giggle before walking to first period. Game on Carter. Let's see if you can ignore us forever like you think. My wolf howls in encouragement. I take my seat in the back by Damon. I look around the English room before my eye catches something or might I say someone in the hall. Carter had a blonde bimbo wrapped in his arms and they were laughing. He rubbed his nose against hers and a loud growl erupted from my throat. His head snapped in my direction and he smirked before kissing her lightly on the cheek. Touché Carter. I stare at them through hate filled eyes as they continued there flirt session. "Okay we'll be working in pairs on an essay for this week class!" Mrs. Waters stated loudly. I groan loudly before lowering my head to my desk. I swear if she gives me Carter I will kill myself. "Don't be such a drama queen." My wolf lily says. "I have the list of pairs pinned up on the board in the back by Brylee." Mrs. Waters informed us. I glance back at the board and mentally curse everything in the world for seeing Carters name by mine. "Son of a bitch." I mutter under my breath. I sink down into my seat and bask in my self pity. "I'm sorry firefly." Damon soothes and pushes my hair out of my face. I smile up at him lean my head against his hand that's resting on my shoulder. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his skin against mine. "I can hear your thoughts." Carter says through gritted teeth startling me. My eyes pop open and stare at a furious Carter. "Why should you care Carter you're the one that rejected me." I whisper so no one else will hear. "I didn't reject you yet." He growls dangerously. "Close enough." I squeak trying to hold back tears. "Don't cry Brylee." He demands. "I can't help it! I can not help that my wolf and I are sad!" I scream causing the whole room to turn and look at us. I jump up from my chair and run for the door with tears streaming down my face.
***Carters Pov***
I stare at the blonde across the hall and all of a sudden being late to Mrs. Waters class is looking better and better by the minute. I walk over to her and lean against her locker that's across the hall from Mrs. Waters open door. "Hey blondie." I joke causing her to giggle. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven." I lamely flirt causing her to fall into a fit of giggles again. "You're too cute Carter." She squeals. "Well I am the Alpha." I brag while nudging my nose against hers. I hear a low growl to the right of us and I snap my head in the direction of it and meet Brylee's eyes. I smirk remembering this morning and I gently kiss the blonde on her cheek. Brylee's eyes turn two shades darker and her body becomes rigid. Game on Brylee. "So what do you say we go to the janitors closet?" I ask the blonde interrupting her dumb rambling. Her eyes light up as she nods eagerly up at me. I pull her along and shove her ahead of me into the dim room. It smelled strongly of lemon and bleach. I placed my hand on the girls bottom causing her to squeal in surprise. My hand travels up her skirt and I groan in delight when I find bare flesh. She fists her hands in my hair and pulls me down to her lips but I pull away from her knowing Brylee would know. Wait why do I care? "Because she's our mate you idiot!" Zander booms loudly in my head. My actions didn't faze the blonde in front of me because her hands traveled up my shirt and over my chest. I groped her chest and groaned in delight at her nipples pulling against the thin fabric of her blouse. Her hands traveled to the bulge in my pants and I sighed in satisfaction as she rubbed it slowly. Brylee's face popped into my mind causing me to jump and ruining the mood altogether. I can't even enjoy myself without her interfering somehow! I shoved the blonde off of me and bolted from the room panting frantically. I ran my hands through my hair and made my way to class where I knew she was waiting. I walk through the door and stop dead in my tracks when I see her leaning into him. Her eyes are closed and she's deep into thought. "Mmm I love his skin against mine." Her voice rings loud and clear in my mind. I walk over to her with my fists clenched tightly by my side. "I can hear your thoughts." I say through gritted teeth. She jumps and looks up at me with wide eyes but doesn't attempt to move away from him. "Why should you care Carter you're the one that rejected me." She whispers causing my heart to squeeze at the memory. "I didn't reject you yet." I state calmly. "Close enough." She squeaks and I know she's close to tears. A sudden sadness engulfs me and knocks the breathe out of me. I know it's her emotions and it takes everything in my power not to pull her into my arms and comfort her. "Don't cry Brylee." I demand coldly. "I can't help it! I can not help that my wolf and I are sad!" She screams causing me to flench. She suddenly bolts from her chair and out the door. I know she's crying and Zander begs me to follow her. I stand rooted to that spot before finally the wheels in my head start turning and I run after her.

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