Dress Shopping

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***Brylee's Pov***
Kaiser was three weeks old today and life with a newborn wolf child was crazy. He fed more than normal babies but thankfully werewolves produce a lot more milk because of that. I looked over where Carter was feeding Kaiser his bottle. "Are you sure you'll be okay alone with him?" I ask for like the hundredth time today. "Yes baby. We will be perfectly fine." He reassures me. "I'm sorry." I say hanging my head. This would be the first time I would be leaving them alone since he was born. Peach would be here soon to take me dress shopping for the wedding. I was anxious leaving them alone but my wolf knew her mate wouldn't let anything happen to him. A horn blasted from outside and I smiled back at them sadly. I walked over and kissed both of my boys goodbye. "Be good boys! Mommy loves you both very much!" I say cooing at Kaiser. "I love you too babe and be careful." Carter calls to my retreating figure. I climb into Peaches small car and stare at her small bump longingly. I missed being pregnant. I know it sounds crazy but I miss feeling my son wiggle within me. "Growing bigger like you should." I compliment as she pulls out onto the road. "Yea." She says dreamily as she rubs her bump. "How's the new apartment?" I ask. "Oh it's everything I could ask for! It's perfect for our small family!" She beams with excitement. I giggle and nod in agreement. "How are the boys?" She asks. "They're doing well." I say. "What's wrong?" She asks sensing my uneasiness. "It's the first time I've left them alone." I admit. "They'll be fine, Carter is an amazing father." She says confidently. "You're right." I beam.

We pull up to store with floor to ceiling glass walls and I admire the dresses on display. We walk in and we are met with a petite guy with spiky blonde hair. "Hello! Welcome!" He greets while swinging his arms out and twirling in a circle. I giggle already loving his bubbly personality. "I'm Tristan! Who's the bride to be?" He asks enthusiastically. "I am." I admit shyly. "Wonderful! Follow me!" He demands as he walks away swinging his hips. "What type of dress are you looking for sugar?" He asks. "Something that's a ballgown with sleeves." I answer honestly. "What's your budget?" He asks. "She doesn't have one!" Peach interrupts. I scowl at her knowing Carter put her up to that. I smile at Tristan warmly and follow him to the dressing rooms where he hangs up at least ten dresses he had already pulled.  I try on all of the dresses but one and I've turned them all down. I glance at the last dress for the first time and I just know that it's THE dress. I bounce excitedly as I pull it on and Tristan laces me up. I walk out to the mirrors and Peaches eyes widen alone with mine. "This is the one." I say. It was floor length with a train and it hung off my shoulders but it had sleeves. It was a huge ball gown dress but it was so beautiful. I didn't dare look at the price tag because I knew this dress had to be at least five-thousand dollars if not way mor because of the detail and it's designer. I walked to the register and swiped the card making the dress officially mine. I left Peach to pick out her dress as my maid of honor and she had chosen a sweetheart design that was a peach color. I laughed at the irony but loved the dress. It went perfect with her complexion and dark hair. "I'm marrying the boy who use to bully me in a week." I mutter to myself in disbelief. We had come a long way since day one. I never thought we'd be friends much less partners and mates. We had a beautiful son together and I loved him unconditionally. I guess it's true...people can change.

A/N: This is not the end yet! There are only about three more chapters left though!

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