Today's The Day

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I'm back!!! I want to thank all of you who have read my first fanfic, You Are My World. I didn't think I would get that many reads on it, but its up to almost 300 reads. It doesn't sound like a lot compared to others but I just started on Wattpad and this is a huge achievement for me, so thanks again. Enjoy my new story.

I do not own Miraculous or the characters. Cover art for book is also not mine. All work goes to respectful owners.

Today's The Day


Marinette POV

"Finished!!!" I yell as I finish the last stitch on the scarf. I held it up in front of my face to admire the work before me. The beautiful embroidery on the backside of the scarf that had my signature hidden in it happily stretched across the bottom of the scarf, the beautiful golden color complementing the baby blue fabric well. I had spent the last 2 weeks working on this scarf to make it the perfect gift. The perfect gift for Adrien. Today is his birthday, and today is the day I am going to talk to him without stuttering and tell him how much I care about him.

He had a very cold life. The only time he found any happiness was when he was at school and sometimes even then the loneliness of his home life would creep in. Only his closest friends know about his life in detail, but even then he rarely talked about it and we never pushed the subject. He always was alone. This scarf was a way to tell him that he was anything but alone. I was so lost in thought that I forgot what time it was. I looked over at my clock; 8:15 am.

"Crap, I'm gonna be late!! Of all days, I can't be late today!! Not today!!" I yelled as I quickly ran out the door, down the stairs and outside of the bakery.

I got to school just in time to hear the bell ring as I walked into the classroom. The teacher gave me a worried, yet warm smile as I took my seat. She knew I was almost always late.

'Well, so much for giving his present to him before school.' I thought as I put the gift in my backpack and set it next to me on the floor.

I looked out the window for a while before we started the lesson. French literature isn't as interesting as it all. For what seemed like forever, we talked about books and words and more books and blah blah blah, until the bell rang, dismissing us for lunch. I gathered my things and started to walk away from my desk when I tripped. Of course I tripped. I tried to catch myself on a desk, but was unsuccessful and got ready to make contact with the cold, tile floor. However, that's not what happened. Instead, felt two gentle hands around my waist. I slowly gathered myself up and looked to see who had caught me. Of course, it was Adrien.

"Are you alright Marinette? You should really be more careful." He said in a worried tone.

'Don't stutter, don't stutter, you can do it Marinette! You're Ladybug for crying out loud, you can basically do anything... I think... NO you can!! Do it!' I I argued with myself as I looked at my feet. I took a breath, looking back up at Adrien, both of his hands now resting on my shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you. And I'll try." I said to him as I crouched back down to grab my books. He reached down too. Our hands touched.

"Oh, sorry. I'm so clumsy." I said as I pulled my hand back and played with a loose strand of hair, while he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uhh.. No, no, it's okay, Mari, don't worry about it." He said with a smile.

"M-Mari?" I asked in confusion. He laughed and picked up my books, handing them to me.

"It's a nickname I came up with for you. It's cute, I think it suits you... that is, if you like it."

"Of course I like it, it's just, no one has ever given me a nickname before... but I like it." I said. After he picked up my books, we talked for a little more.

"Um, well, thank you. Oh, and happy birthday Adrien!" I said cheerfully as the conversation ended and we were parting ways.

"Thanks Marinette. You were actually the first one to tell me today." He said with a slightly dejected sigh, "Well, see ya around Mari!" He said as he walked out of the room to meet up with Nino. With a slight smile, I gathered my things and walked out of the classroom where Alya was waiting.

"You were that close and you STILL didn't give it to him?" She asked as I walked out of the room.

"AHHH! Oh Alya, jeez, you scared me. No I didn't give it to him. He was helping me, I didn't just want to shove a present in his face like that. That job is reserved for Chloe." I said as we both laughed and started to walk together back to my house for lunch. On the way out of school, Alya spotted Adrien and stopped me.

"Why not give it to him now?" She asked, nudging me towards him.

"Right now? Not with all of those people out there! Especially Chloe. She'll rip me to pieces!" I almost yelled to her.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Now get out there!" She said pushing my right into the conversation between Nino and Adrien.

"Alya, really?" I yelled back to her and she giggled. I looked back towards the two boys in front of me and sighed.

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to bug you." I said looking at my feet.

"It's alright" Adrien said as he put his hand on my shoulder again. "What do you need?"

"Well, I um, I wanted to..." that's when I got cut off. Chloe had walked over, taken Adrien's hand off my shoulder and looked at me. She gave me a glare and pushed me to the side. Literally. Adrien and Nino looked shocked as I fell to the ground, but Chloe wouldn't let the attention be taken off of her.

"Adrikins!!!!! Happy Birthday!! I got a special present for you getting shipped to your house!! Hope you love it!!!!" I heard her say as she tried to kiss him and walked away. Meanwhile, I gathered myself up and started heading home with Alya. Alya turned around to see a worried Adrien mouthing 'is she okay?' to her. Alya nodded and turned back to talk to me.

"Hey, why don't we drop it off at Adrien's house?" She said with excitement and a raised eyebrow.

"That's a great idea Alya!!!"

"I know, I'm a genius."

Omg! I love writing this already!!!! I have always wondered the 'what if' side of this episode. anyway, see ya later!


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