What Now?

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Hey guys! Back with part three. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

I do not own Miraculous or the characters. Cover art for book is also not mine. All work goes to respectful owners.

What Now?

Marinette's POV

All I did was run. I didn't look back to see if I was being followed or chased after, I just kept going. The tears blurred my vision and clouded my mind. I didn't know what to do.

'Why would Mr. Agreste do that?' I asked myself as I ran.

I finally found a place where I felt comfortable and sat down. I ended up in the park by the wall towards the back. I spent a lot of time here looking for inspiration for my sketchbook. I had no intent on running here. I didn't know where I was running to. I guess when you don't really know where you're going, your body does it for you.

I threw my book bag at the small wall and sat down, continuing to cry even though I didn't want to. It was like I had no control over my body. A constant stream of tears rolled down my face and I tried to calm my breathing through the sobs. I opened my book bag up now to reveal my sketchbook, my most prized possession. I looked at the cover and sighed, opening it to reveal pages and pages full of designs.

"Why would he do that? Why would he take credit for someone else's work? I can't believe him!" My reaction quickly turned to anger. "I can't believe my idol would stoop to the level of stealing credit for work a fan of his did! That jerk! What? Is he to lazy to get his son a simple birthday gift? He has to steal mine? I can't believe I ever looked up to him! I hate him!" I yelled as I cried again. I through my sketchbook at the ground and I heard it make contact with the concrete sidewalk a few feet in front of me; the pages flew open, exposing the sketches.

"I can't...believe...him." I whispered as I cried again, pulling my legs up closer to my body and hugging them, my head resting on my knees.

Just then, I heard footsteps walking up to me.

"Marinette?" A voice asked in a gentle, yet worried tone.

I sniffled and looked up to lock a gaze with a familiar set of green eyes. His blonde hair flowing in the wind; his black suit reflecting the sunlight of the bright, sunny day. I quickly wiped my eyes and looked down again at my feet. I don't want him to see me like this.

"Princess, are you okay?" He asked as he sat down next to me, putting a hand onto my shoulder.

"Yeah...no...I don't know Chat." I said still looking down at my feet. "I don't know what to do."

"What's wrong?" He asked again, now sitting next to me on the ground, his back against the wall and a hand still on my shoulder. "I'm here if you need to talk."

With a sigh, I started, "I made a scarf for a friend of mine for his birthday, but his dad took the credit for it. His dad was my idol, but now..." I said beginning to tear up again. "Now, I don't know what to do... " I started to get angry again, "I mean, he couldn't do one nice thing for his son. He stole my idea. And before that, Chloe came up and made me make a complete fool out of myself in front of Adrien." I started to cry again, "He probably thinks I'm a joke."

"Marinette, you're the nicest and most amazing person I know. If he thinks your a joke after someone bullied you, there is something seriously wrong with him." Chat said picking up my sketchbook and handing back to me. "You're amazing, you know that, don't you?"

"I thought Ladybug was the most amazing person you knew?" I asked, looking back down at my feet.

"You are both amazing in your own ways, but I know more about you and how amazing you are more than Ladybug. Yes, she may be a hero and my partner, but you're a hero in of yourself. You help people everyday Marinette. I don't even know who Ladybug is." He said with a slight chuckle.

'If only you knew.' I thought. Suddenly, a slight fluttering sound could be heard. I looked up and noticed Chat looking off in the distance.

"Princess, we need to go." He said sounding desperate. He grabbed my hand, pulled me up onto my feet and started running.

I looked behind me as Chat guided me through the maze of people on the streets as a small black and purple butterfly followed after us.

"I attracted an akuma?" I asked myself under my breath, yet Chat still responded. (Must be because of those cat ears :)

"It's going to be okay. Just think positive! Happy thoughts! Everything will be fine. Don't worry." He said in an almost happy tone to match the message. As I looked up at him, however, I noticed an almost grim expression on his face. He's trying to help me because he doesn't want to fight me.


After a while of running, Chat stopped and looked around.

"I think we're okay now Princess." He said turning around and looking at me. But right as he did, the relieved expression left his face and was replaced by a disbelieving one.


I stood there and heard a smooth, yet strict voice speak to me. I tried as hard as I could to think about the situation I was in, yet his grip was strong and I was staining to find myself in his power. The akuma hadn't stopped following us; it was in my earrings.

"Hello Marinette... It seems you have been hurt by someone close to you. How about we make things better for you my dear?" The voice asked.

My eyes widened and my head shot up with the purple mask around my face. I locked eyes with Chat, and through my blurry, cloudy vision, I could tell he was concerned, worried and angry all at once. He also seemed to have a look of regret, because he knew things, if they didn't work out, wouldn't end well. I tried to get my thoughts in order, but his power was strong. I thought about what I wanted most in that moment; to be with Chat. He has helped me so much today, I can't just give up on him like this. 'I can't join him.' With all of my strength, I pulled away from his power.

"Sorry Hawkmoth," I said with my teeth clenched, "but you aren't strong enough to break me." I said and the akuma left my earrings already purified.

After that little incident, I looked over at Chat who was looking at me with relief and a bit of confusion.

"Uh, um... you saw that... didn't you?" I asked nervously, twiddling my thumbs an looking at my shoes. I looked up as he simply nodded at first, then responded.

"...My Lady?"

"...Yes Kitty?"

Hope you enjoyed. Update soon to come!! bye!


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