Chapter 7

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The plastered paper in front of me left me with my mouth open and my eyes wide. 

     "School dance?" John asked. I nodded prying my eyes off the flyer to look at him. "you wanna go?" He asked. I gave him a crooked glance. "Why?" He shrugged. "Don't girls like that stuff? Plus we could make fun of people who actually dance." He smiled. "I'll go." I said swiftly waking down the hall and away. "you owe me for the ticket." He sighed yelling after me. I smiled.

     I hung on my bed upside down staring at my wall. Casey looked at me. She had come over to help me decide what to wear. She and I had been sorta close since fifth grade. Only slightly though. Besides she was the only girl who ever came to my house. "So you guys are finally dating?" She laughed. "No." I twisted my face. "Mmmmmmmhmmm" she said in a 'yeah right' voice. "What do people even where to dances?" 

     "Your such a boy." She sighed. "I beg to differ!" I said falling off the bed and rolling to the floor. "Why not a dress?" She smiled. "I don't usually-" she cut in. "It's decided!" Let's pick an outfit. The dance is in three hours." She smiled. She shoves a towel in my hands and pushed me down the hall into the bathroom. She rushed back to my room and than back to me. "Here." She handed me spandex and undergarments. "You touched my underwear?!!" I screamed. "Don't be a kid! Shower now!" She scolded. I rolled my eyes shutting the bathroom door.

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