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I'm just your everyday average white teenage male from the suburbs. Growing up in the utopian society also known as the suburbs where everyone makes it to college without a hiccup and the crime rates are low. Where every neighbor is friendly and you can leave the doors unlocked, right?
Well, two things were right in that paragraph, can you guess which ones? That's right I'm a white (not so average) teenage male. Also, I do come from a magical utopian land of excellence and possibility called the suburbs. That last sentence didn't sound too sarcastic did it? If you ever wanted to hear a story about a not so average teenage white male then keep reading. If you don't then.. well I don't even know why you bought this book in the first place. You might as well return it and go buy a couple iced honey buns and a faygo from the Speedway on the corner.
If you got this far we have come to conclusion you want to hear a story about a not so average teenager right? Now is your last chance to return the book and get those honey buns. Better go fast now before you're too late and have to get the non-iced ones . haha . Well we might as well continue on now since we have gotten thus far and I'm completely tired of repeating myself over and over with these paragraphs. Let's get to know the kid this story is about.
I'm an 17 year old teenage Caucasian male. I am not a straight A student and I do dress different than 99% of the other students here but I'm also a very intelligent individual. I scored higher on my S.A.T.s than most of the straight A, 4.0, kiss ass students at my school and I was running off of 4 hours of sleep and I admit I was not entirely sober. I finished faster than most the other students just because I had the munchies and wanted to go grab some Mickey Ds and a hi-C. I am not your everyday suburban white kid. I don't snort Coke and drop acid and vape. I roll blunts, doobies, joints and just chill. Although my S.A.T scores are better than most normal students. My gpa fails to stay along those lines. You can take my gpa , square it, and it will still probably be lower than most of these others smart ass kids I've been talking about. But I am not ashamed of it. who's to say a simple number and a couple digits defines my intellectual intelligence. Didn't know I knew such big words huh? Gotcha!! This isn't me stating that every stoner white kid is an intellectual genius and treats the sat like its a simple 5 question test. I'm not saying that at all. Those are just my personal viewpoints, thoughts, and feelings. My brain is a Webster dictionary full of knowledge, I'd just rather spend my time on things more Important and entertaining. Not, sit in 5 pointless classes for more than an hour at a time in a chair more uncomfortable then a broken down church pew in the middle of July. To put it in more simpler terms for the people lacking in the vocabulary sector of their brain, I'D RATHER HAVE FUN. Every Friday & Saturday I party ... HARD. I've almost been arrested 4 times. Should've had alcohol poisoning 5 times and I've done over 1000 pounds in drugs. What your telling yourself now is .. "how is this kid not dead". ha, Here is where the fun begins. The week my mom and stepdad got back from the vacation they come home to a semi trashed house with lingerie in multiple places of the home. Now you might be thinking "What in the hell?". Like I said before, your boy likes to party. To my surprise they weren't too dissatisfied. It was very odd, I thought it to be more of a set up for some horrendous punishment, but it wasn't. Just a slap on the hand and I was on my way. Two days later I was on my way to pick up so dope with a friend of mine to get high later on. We stopped in a little while and then started hitting the bong. Like I said before I'm more of a rolling papers type of guy. Not so familiar with bongs and etc. My first hit from a bong ever was a power pull. Things went down, I wind up dead for 10 minutes. I had just had my first experience of overdosing on a drug I had been smoking for 3 years now. I wake up with medics around me and soon I'm off on my way to the hospital. Was back on my feet the next day. To face my father. Also to face the fact that I would be moving out with my father 45 minutes away in a country town where very few races besides Caucasian are ever spotted. Now, along with rehabbing my addiction for drugs and alcohol I have to get used to living 45 minutes away from my mom and everyone I ever really knew. I get enrolled out there at my new school.. I am "The New Kid" never have I ever thought I'd be moving that far away to a whole new school before or even worse off it being my senior year. I would surely be the most odd thing they had ever seen before and the odd one out. Doesn't hurt to try.. Let's get it all started with the first day...
First day of school.. immediately walk in to the gymnasium and notice the sea of white.. White people that is, I've never seen this large amount of white people populate one single school in my life. Yes my old school had its fair share of them but it was racially diverse and I liked the different cultures that all unfolded into one. But this school.. this school was just one giant sea of white people from fair skinned to tan skinned was the only diversity you would notice here. The school wasn't nearly as big as my last but never being there before I was tremendously lost. I made it to the first block just by the guidance from a familiar face. From class to class I asked for help and guidance to the next class. The single persons I asked help from were the only intellectual human beings I talked to besides the teachers in each class. from the first day onward for a couple weeks I was "the new guy" or otherwise put into words by yours truly "the loner". I sat by myself everyday ear buds in blocking the world out hoping nobody would have the nerve to talk to me so I wouldn't have to present to them my awkward self and speak words back to them. I noticed nobody by blocking everyone out, but it seemed everyone noticed me. The strangely dressed teen from just south of the city. What is the city boy doing in a country town? I looked and felt as if I did not belong. The music I listened to, to block all them out, they had never heard before. The clothes I wore they had never seen but only in hip hop magazines and mtv. I was weird, weird enough to get the attention of almost every single living breathing female adolescent in the school. I now had followers.
After the hype wore off I began to come into my own and meet some people.. some being the people that the "cool" kids wouldn't dare talking to. I could obviously care less though because I don't perceive myself as being "cool". I am way to deranged and strange for that. I wouldn't hardly last a day. Well, more like they wouldn't hardly last a day with me. With me not knowing hardly anyone I worked on school work all the time mostly. Getting the best grades I had ever gotten since kindergarten. Yes I did say kindergarten, I started the stage of not trying and not caring fairly young.

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