Her Name Is Sarah

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I've decided to interfere. It's the middle of October and Gerard is scaring the shit out of me. He bought a case of beer last week, and keeps looking at it. He stares at it. I scream "Don't Do It!" but I know he can't hear me.

I have a plan. I'm gonna go into one of Franks dreams, and show him what Gerard is doing. That will make Frank go help him. Right?

"Excuse me. Mrs. Way?" a mans voice asked.

I turned around to see a man with White hair, a White beard, and looked like some sort of captain or something. Like the old man of the sea.

"I'm Mrs. Way" I said

"Elena told me you're in need of some help. I'm Billy." he said as he extended his right hand.

"Call me Lindsey" I said with a smile as I shook his hand.

"Elena said you're husband is not doing so well" he started.

"Uh, well, yeah. She told you what's going on?" I asked

He nodded.

"Well, Gerard was an alcoholic, and he has depression problems. He even left our daughter at his mothers so he didn't have to take care of her. He's slowly spiraling downwards and I cant take it anymore! He's abandoned my baby girl!" I said as I slowly broke down and cried.

"Shhhh. Don't cry Lindsey! I want to help, remember?" Billy said

"How?" I asked. Trying to stop sobbing.

"Does he know how to take care of Bandit?" Billy asked

"No. He was always away on tour when I was alive and I would take care of her." I said

"How'd he take care of her the first six months then?" he asked

"He relied on everyone around him. Frank and Jamia have twin daughters and on top of that they were taking care of Bandit" I said

"What are you going to do about it?" he asked

"Get Frank to snap him out of it" I said

"Okay. Let's say he brings Bandit home. How is he going to look after her?" he asked

He had a good point.

"I don't know" I said quietly.

"Get Frank to get him to hire a nanny" he said

"A nanny?! No way! I'm not having some stranger look after my baby!" I yelled.

"Don't have a stranger." he said

"Who would I get him to hire?" I asked. I have a feeling he has someone in mind.

"My granddaughter." he said

I smiled a little. It was comforting to know she wouldn't be a complete stranger.

"Watch her for a while and tell me what you think of her. Then you can make a decision" he said

"I will" I said sweetly.

He was calming to have around. It was very strange. Like, no matter how upset or angry I got, he would calm me right away.

A lady with white hair walked over to Billy and kissed him softly.

"This is my wife, Rosemary" he said

"Nice to meet you, Rosemary" I said

"What's you're granddaughters name?" I asked before they walked away.

"Sarah" rosemary said smoothly.

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