4. Niall knows

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(Rhea's POV)

Well I woke up next to Harry I had to say last night was amazing like amazing perfect he was ugh amazing I went to my closer grabbed a big t shirt & grabbed under wear from my drawer I walked out shutting the door lightly went to the bath room made myself look a little more presentable & looked into Alyssa's room she wasn't there I went to find my phone & it was on the ground from when Harry scooped me up I picked it up I had a message from her & a random number called me I didn't want to call it back so I left it I read Alyssa's text it said hey staying with Niall for the night I'll see you in the morning! x I walked into the kitchen & made bacon & French toast when I heard my door open I smiled knowing it was Harry he walked into the kitchen came behind me & grabbed me & with his raspy morning voice said I have something special for you I said where is it he said later at dinner I smiled & nod my head saying yes we ate & took a shower he put on his black skinny jeans with his brown boots & a black swear with a beanie I love that out fit me I had on my black jeans with my Rolling Stones white t shirt & my white converse & put my hair into one Braid to the side & put a little make up on I walked out to see him watching tv but on his phone I frowned always on that thing but whatever I can't say I never was I walked to him put my head on his shoulder & said what are going to do then all of a sudden we heard a car I looked outside it was Alyssa & Niall they looked so happy they came in & said hey guys we missed you & they went into her room & came out a little while after Alyssa had on her black & white stripe jeans & her Beatles shirt with her combat boots & Niall black skinnys with a white t & his white high tops he looked good Harry said we should all go out it was about 86 degrees Niall said everyone go grab your suits & towels we all came back out he was standing there saying lets go & pointed to his car & we all got in.

(Alyssa's POV)

I got into the front seat of Nialls car we drove to the outer pretty areas of London & he pulled into a beach I smiled knowing I told him a few days ago we should go to the beach but this one was weird full of little kids but I didn't mind but I didn't think of the fans we got out & me & rhea went to the changing rooms & we walked out to see Harry & Niall standing there with fans we looked at each other rolling our eyes a fan about 13 said you a fan too we both said yes big fans we love them & they winked at us she said can I get a picture we did & I walked up to Niall & grabbed his hand & kissed his cheek the girl gasped I winked & we walked away Rhea walked up to Harry kissed him & the girl like freaked & rhea waved & winked we sat on the beach for a little while & swam a little got ice cream & goofed in the sand finally it was getting pretty late & the boys had to go somewhere in an hour so we headed home the boys got him showered & left they had a private concert for about 2 hours Niall did say we were going on a date tonight so I hope they finished in time.

(Rhea's POV)

I took a shower got out changed to pajamas & my phone went off I grabbed it & it was from Harry he said hey we will be home in about an hour Niall said he left his phone there so tell Alyssa the same & to get dressed up for the date! xoxo

I answered alright I will! x

I told Alyssa she got super excited & took a shower super fast I was so happy she was I watched tv for a little while when I heard a bunch of noise like teenage boys I looked outside what do I find the whole one direction I freaked screamed for Alyssa & she freaked & said tell nobody to come In here I said ok & ran to the couch & sat down like normal they walked I'm Niall first & he ran to Alyssa's room I stopped him wait she doesn't want anyone going in there he frowned she's not ready I wanna see her perfect face I smiled just wait & then Harry he ran to me kissed me & then Zayn he looked around said nice place rhea in hesitation I said yes & thank you & next Louie I freaked I looked down Harry noticed & sat by me Louie said hello I said hey back my cheeks flushed Harry got mad I could see it he grabbed my hand & kissed me I liked his angry side & finally Liam he looked good he said hai I was like hai & giggled at his shy ness Niall whined Alyssa she said one moment she was going to look stunning I could tell me I was in really short shorts & a t shirt my hair not even done Harry kissed my cheek & said boys this is my girl Rhea & they looked at me I liked them all looking at me I said hi harry is mine I giggled & kissed his cheek he got red then I heard Alyssa's door open Niall stood up & turned so fast she walked out her hair was perfectly curled & she was wearing black heels & a red dress that made her look amazing she was wearing no make up like she always does & she had amazing silver long earrings in & all the boys but Harry looked at her drooling I was too she looked beautiful Liam asked so Niall she's yours barley even able to talk he walked over kissed her & said yes I love her & the boys shook there heads & looked away she grabbed her phone & said I will text you & I answered ok with a wink & they left I was stuck with all the boys I said guys wanna watch a movie they agreed & sat down on the couch.

(Alyssa's POV)

We walked into his car he put the key in but wouldn't start it I looked at him something wrong he grabbed my face pulled it into his & whispered everything is just perfect & made out with me & said ok I'm ready & we left we ended up to the prettiest most perfect beach there was a little blanket with some food on it I thought I was going to cry I put on my flips flops on & I had jeans in the car & he had a white t shirt there was no point in me getting dressed up but I don't even care I just wanted to stay with Niall all night we walked over & we ate & talked it was my dream date then all of a sudden he said there's dessert he went into the trees & came out with a box of pizza I freaked out & ate it I went to grab a second piece there was something on top the only light was from the moon so I couldn't tell so I said whats this he said its yours I smiled & took it off the pizza & held it up to the light it was a necklace that had a N in silver I put it on right away & I kissed him its perfect he said well I would hope so I love them he had a bracelet that had a A in gold knitted he put it on I giggled pushed him down into the sand & we kissed & kissed & slept until it got way to cold so we packed up & went into the car I took off my pants I cannot sleep in jeans we pulled the back sear down like a bed & put a blanket over us & we kissed all night & woke up smiling & went down to the beach & swam & played in the water until people started showing up we got out & went home there was way to many people there we got home & laid in my bed until everybody else woke up. It was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to me.

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