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Chole. She was beautiful. Everything I ever wanted and more. I've been with her for about 4 almost 5 years. Our date is 5-8-11. On that my I became the happiest person alive. Ever since that day I have felt safe, loved, and wanted. Those are things I have never felt. Well I should probably tell you about who this wonderful girl is. She is 5'5, short flippy hair, that she has almost parted mostly the time because it's getting long, and the lost beautiful hazel eyes. Even tho she is 2 years older than me, I know she loves me and I know I love her. She just has that style. The skater punk style that I love. The hipster shades, letter mans jacket, v necks, high tops, skinny jeans or sweatpants. She just makes me melt. The first time we met. Wow that was great.

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