Lucy-Chapter 11

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Silence. I felt it through my body, I could see it in the air. It was everywhere. Until a single sound broke through, and that sound was one I would've preferred not to hear. The noise was one of a ringing phone, out into the woods. I didn't want to move, but some foreign power pushed my legs forward towards the door. And as I watched myself move, I desperatly tried to talk, or to stop myself from walking... but I couldn't move my lips. "WHAT'S GOING ON??" I think. Slowly, my body is drawn towards the door until I'm right in front of it. Then, my hand reaches up to push it open. "PLEASE NO!!" I try to scream, but of course it only comes out as a loud thought. As the door opens, I start to walk outside towards the the forest. "Wait, wasn't that door locked?" I wonder. I enter the forest walking a little faster now, towards the sound. For what seems like the hundredth time, I feel like someone is watching. The only difference is that this time, I know someone is. My body starts picking up pace to a jog. "WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?" I start to cry. As I make my way through the forest, I notice the ringing sound getting louder and louder, until I see the source of the sound. A pay phone is sitting in the middle of the forest. As I look at it with a mix of wonder and confusion, I notice that my legs haven't stopped moving. I got closer, and closer, and closer, until I was inside picking up the phone. "PLEASSEEE NOOOOO?!?!?!" As my hand brings the phone to my ear, I at first hear silence. Then a sickening voice that sounds like death itself starts talking.

"It's time, your end is near.
Your emotions are my fuel, so it's time to feel fear.
I'll take you over to Neverland,
And steal your soul, just as planned.
It was fun, I must admit,
To make you go through all that shit.
But alas, that time is through,
Now It's time to start anew."

As soon as the call ends, my body is mine again. Quickly, I turn around trying to run away into the forest, but instead stop and stare at the sight just outside the pay phone. What seems to be an antique dressing mirror was facing towards me. "Was that there before?..." I wonder. Unable to look away, I stand still, frozen in place. Beautiful isn't it. I hear behind me. Startled, I turn around to see a boy. He looked around my age, maybe an inch taller with pale skin and dead looking eyes.
"Wh-who are y-you?" I stammer. You know who am, he says. With every word he speaks, it sounds like thousands of children are faintly saying it with him. I couldn't be more terrified. Sorry we can't talk more, but it's time to leave. And with that, he reached into his pocket to take out a little pouch. As he grabbed something inside, I tried to run, but ultimately failed as I, again, couldn't move. His hand came out with a sandy-like substance. It's time we fly away, so here's some pixie dust, he said while he threw some of the substance at me. I felt my soul slip away from my body. I started to float into the air, and when I looked down, I saw my body fall lifeless to the ground. The life leaving my eyes. "OH MY GOD, WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?" I think, I couldn't talk I was so shocked. I started to cry, staring at my motionless body. When I raised my hands to wipe my eyes, I noticed that one of my arms was shackled to a chain. As I studied the chain, I saw that the boy that killed me was holding the other end. He seemed to be enjoying this. What is it like to be dead? He taunted, and then flew into the sky, the chain pulling me to follow him.

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