Lucy-Chapter 15

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Trees flash by as my legs practically fall out beneath me with each step, but I didn't stop running. I didn't know what the time was, but it didn't matter. The vision of Peter in my head would not fade in time. It would fade in my escape. I stop for a few seconds expecting to be tired, but feel nothing. "That's wierd, I guess since I'm dead I don't feel the effect running does to my body." I start running again, eager to get farther from Peter, but the thought doesn't escape my mind. And the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. "Why should I be tired if I have no living muscles?" I reason. Then, I suddenly snap back to the reality of the situation. At least I stopped thinking of Peter for a little bit. It's a start. As I run, I start to realize the number of tree stumps increase rapidly. I slow down a little to get a better look. "Strange" I mutter as look into a clearing of stumps. After looking for a little while longer, I start to run again.

As I continue to run, I see a lake off into the distance. I try to look and see where it ends, but it continues off out of my sight. I decide not to worry about it for now, and continue running. Soon, I approach the lake I saw earlier. As I look into the water, I notice that I can't see the bottom of it. I look again to the sides, still not seeing an alternative route. I finally decide to cross the lake, and with great caution, I slowly ease my foot into the water, trying to find the bottom. My foot soon touches the sandy floor, the water rising just above my foot. "I guess I just can't see the bottom?" I think. Realizing that I was most likely being chased, I quickly continue to advance into the water. With each step I take I get a little deeper until one point, it got up to my neck. I decided to start swimming as the decline of the river floor seemed to stretch even farther down. Like running, I didn't seem to tire out from swimming. As I continue crossing the river, I see an small raft floating in the distance. "Strange" I think, but continue to swim towards it realizing it's my best bet across the river. As I get closer towards the raft, I see what looks like a hand resting on the side of the raft. Chills crawl up my spine as I get closer and closer towards the raft. Terrified, I slowly peak over the edge to see a corpse, it's face mangled in a terrified expression. I let out a scream as tears ran down from my eyes. As I continued to look in shock, I notice a cut going from ear to ear on the throat. I vomit into the water and slowly climb into the raft, barely able to move the body into the corner before I pass out.

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