Part 1

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{a/n this is part two of writing this. The other draft sucked. I proof read but there still might be typos....shouldn't have said that........enjoy}

It was the first night I had seen him. Everything was lifeless, pitch black but him. Light, bright and blinding, hovered around his being, like a barrier was keeping it from growing and extending into the vast darkness. His bright green eyes looked straight into mine, resembling a cat's. Cold yet bold and held many secrets. But was this real....? He just stared, his lips mouthed words, lacking a voice to back them up. They looked soft, yet never smiled.
My body was cold and frozen. Was I even there?
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP The sound echoed all around us. Ringing in my ears, making my head pound with pressure disappearing then reappearing. My eyes trailed to the boy, in pain. I was pleading for help. He brought his hand up, extending his middle and pointer finger then gave what looked to be a two fingered salute and started to walk away, becoming blurrier, the further away he went. My vision flicked on and off, the light from the boy's body grew dull, no longer visible from the distance...I was alone with the horrendous sound, punching my ears and making them bleed..."Help..." I whispered on the ground, curled into a ball. The sound rang once more before everything went silent, even my own heartbeat grew still.
My alarm had been going off. What day was it...Monday? Friday? Ugh, I always lose track of time. I pressed the snooze button and sat up. I looked around my room, my eyes adjusting to the black that consumed all corners. It was 6:00 AM. "I have time..." I didn't want to leave my bed. It seemed extra comfortable at the moment. The pillow felt like a cloud of cotton under my tired head. It still pounded...but why? The blanket was softer than silk as it hugged my legs, and the darkness of my room gave a warm presence. I didn't want to get up for school. I wanted to stay in my bed and dream...dream about....about..I can't remember, was there a boy? No, I never dream, it's just pitch black once I close my eyelids to sleep.
"Ugh," I grunted, hesitantly pushing my blanket aside and sliding out of my safe haven to walk to the bathroom. My hair was stuck out in all directions.I felt it's stiff strands and flinched. "This will be hard to brush" I breathed heavily. I smelt my breath and made a disturbing face. It smelt like old onions. I swear I saw the little flower that sat on the black marble counter wilt a little bit. I thought about what I had eaten last night but shrugged it off. I couldn't remember a thing that happened yesterday. Looking through the mirror straight into my eyes, they flashed Hazel in the light, I turned the water on, it was gelid. After splashing my face a couple time I looked back up and gave a smirk."Okay....start.."

After I finished putting on a face and struggled to tame the beast that sat upon my head, I managed to make a poorly assembled bun. My shadow black hair made my normally tan skin take the appearance of a white ghost. I sighed then grabbed my toothbrush and paste. I held my brush over the sink as I squeezed the paste. It squirted out and splattered all over the sink in little aqua dots. "Great!" I spat sarcastically. After briskly cleaning my teeth I ran to the closet, not bothering to clean the mess I had made in the sink. My closet consisted of mostly black clothes, basically like every other kid at my school, but there was a minor splash of color. Another Beep came from my phone, it was signaling that it was 6:30. Rushing into a random outfit I picked from my variety of black clothes I grab my phone and ran down stairs. My mom was at the table eating a blueberry bagel and warm cup of green tea. The bags under her eyes were unfathomable. She worked long night shifts. From 4 in the afternoon to 3 in the morning, but always managed to get up and make me breakfast and drive me to school. I loved her so dearly that words couldn't even compare to how I feel. Today there was no bagel for me sitting in front of my mother. No tea for me to sip joyously with her. She didn't even say good morning. " okay?" I squeaked out moving towards her. She yawed and gave a miserably fatigue smile. "Hello, Jasmine..."
Her body began to drift away into a sleep. Her head resting on the plate where her unfinished bagel was. I walked a little closer, removing the plate from under her and throwing the, clearly unwanted food. I kissed her forehead and grabbed a piece of bread before grabbing my backpack and sprinting out the door.

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