At first when I opened my eyes,
I saw his photo just besides.A beautiful picture hanging on the wall,
The beauty in it was rising above all.I saw a kid just like me,
But he is different, hmm, I see!He was loaded with butter overall,
Not listening to his mother at all!Seeing him smile, I smiled too,
His complexion was lovely, all so blue.Flute was in his one hand, butter in another,
Naughtiness in his eyes that gave hope to others.Observing him suddenly a question arose,
How is he so beautiful, much more than a rose.Will he ever love me? I asked,
Not first or the second time but just at last?My mind answered, "no you idiot, not at all."
But my heart said, "he'll listen to you in just a single call,""How could a baby love the whole world?" I thought,
But then I remembered all those dangerous demons he fought!He is not just a baby admit it,
He can change the whole world in the time he sits.Remember to talk to him, remember to call,
He'll come to you, he's Krishn after all!Hey guys this my very first poetry..on krishn ji
PS: Chant radhe radhe
krishn ji loves it :)
EspiritualPublished: 11th April, 2016 If you all love Radhekrishn then come hop into this ocean of poetry on my sweetest Shyamashyam. May they bless everyone with their devotees :) Radhe Radhe