Chapter 2 - New Kids Have Secrets Too

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^^^^^^Taylor Mindingo <3^^^^^^

Chapter 2 - New Kids Have Secrets 


The new kids didn't speak much while I toured them the school. Especially that Taylor kid. On another note, he smelled like an omega and looked like an omega but didn't give off that vibe to me. He was more adorably strong than a weakly omega. His mark lies. Of course I'm just kidding. That's impossible. The moon goddess never makes mistakes. 

I pointed to the final classroom on their schedules. It was my last class as well.

"This," I said, smiling. "Is Mrs. Moh's class. She doesn't really like being called that though so she asks us to call her Mrs. Lily."

They nodded in understanding. Taylor was staring at something at the wall with a confused look. I followed his eyes to the alarms on the wall. One was red, for fire obviously, and the other was blue.

"One's for fire and the other is for rouge attack. I like to be extra careful against them."

Taylor's eyes whipped to me, taking in what I said. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, a screechy-banshee like voice screamed my name from down the hallway. I smiled, stepping to the side a little, pulling Taylor, who was in front of me, with me as well. As soon as we did, Tiffany tripped and fell on her face where we were previously standing. Tiffany is a young she-wolf from the Wetlund pack, though I swear she's part howler monkey She groaned and looked up, smiling once she saw me. 

"Jason! Jason! Jason! GUESS WHAT," she yelled, smiling brilliantly.

"I'm not playing this game with you, Maower," I said, fully aware that she wanted to rip my head off for using her last name. As long as I've known her, she's hated her last name with a passion that seemed almost criminal. 

"I SAID GUESS!" She growled, glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes. 



"I know, Tiffany. I was the first to know about it, remember?"

"Oh yeah..."

I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I blinked, remembering the two wolves behind me. I turned to look at them, smiling kindly.

"Oh yes,  Taylor, Riosa, this is TIffany Maower of the Wetlund pack. Tiffany, this is Taylor and Riosa Mindingo, the two rumored people joining my pack."

Tiffany stuck her hand out, still smiling widely, her arm showing off her healers mark. It's packs custom to show the mark of your wolf. Taylor slowly reached out to shake her hand, looking at the suddenly interesting ground. Tiffany's smile morphed into a confused grin, noticing something on the omega boy. She grabbed his face suddenly, squinting at him. He yelped, surprised by her motions. She smiled widely, once again, giggling. 

"Sorry," she said. "I thought I saw a bruise on your face but it was just a trick of the light."

Taylor let a breath out when she let go of his face and took a couple steps back. 

"WELL!" she screeched. "I better go help Alpha Taus set up for the party!"

She skipped off after that, leaving behind a confused omega and two other amused wolves. I chuckled, turning around to face them. 

"That should be it. School let out a while ago, so you can just go home." I said, already making my way down the hall.


I turned the corner, tossing my keys up in the air and catching them. I heard a faint whisper comming from around the other corner, which was like ten yards away--thank the goddess for wolf hearing, and  strained my ears.

"--you can't just jump into this! What if it isn't him?! You know your mother will--"

"Shush, Riosa. This is true."

"Taylor, this isn't just--"

I stopped listening then, supposing it was none of my business and that even newbies could have secrets. 

Worst decision ever.

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