Chapter 5 - What the Hell Was That?!

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Chapter 5: What the Hell Was That?!


The party was going great! My pack and the Wetlund pack are all gathered together on the neutral territory. The decorations are flawless, the food offered is delicious and the music is top notch! 

Marcus chuckled from my side, his arm around his mates waist.

"Ce parti est grand!" I howled, feeling a sense of pride at my accomplishment. 

"You know I don't understand french," He said.

"I said 'this party is great!', stupid! You should have taken French."

"You're not the only one who worked on the party," Marcus said, still chuckling. "And French is bo~ring!" 

"Of course not!" I protested, jokingly pouting. "But I did do most of the work! And French is not boring you foul mutt!"

Marcus rolled his eyes, leading away his mate into the giant abyss of dancing people. 

The Wetlund packs alpha Taus came up to me, smiling like the jolly ol' dude he is. Alpha Taus is a peaceful guy, never picking fights or going into unnecessary war. That being said, he could still beat most of us in a wolf on wolf fight. Though I seriously doubt that would happen, considering he is the junction to the wolf packs. I looked him up and down, flashing him a smile. He's not really my type, truth be told. Not to mention he's not my mate and he's already mated himself. His mate is a beautiful blonde named Annie, who's very hot-headed but capable. Her wolf is a beautiful blonde as well, obviously. 

"This party is amazing, alpha Jason!" He said, excitedly. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you but I don't think I could do any better than you have, my friend."

"I'm flattered, alpha Taus," I said, smiling humbly. 

"Now," he said, facial expression switching from his normal happy to a rare seriousness. "It's about those two new members of yours."

Alpha Taus never got to finish or continue the conversation because the announcer said that the speeches were starting. Every wolf in the vicinity gathered around Alex, the loud chatter coming to a halt. Alex smiled, seemingly fully confident speaking in front of this many people. 

"Thank you all for coming to my party," He started. "It seems like only two or three years since I was six and wondering what an alpha was..."

I drowned out his speech, since it was only a formality, and looked around the large area. Everything is right as rain, it seems. I smiled, tuning in long enough to hear the end of Alex's speech.

"And I am so grateful for today because I met my mate Veronica earlier today," Alex said, pulling a girl with blue hair up onto stage, which was really just a bunch of tables pushed together with boxes under it to hold them up, and holding her close. The people in the crowed cheered as the couple kissed sweetly. Mates are very important to us, obviously.  After a minute or so, Alex and Veronica stepped off the make-shift stage and the dancing resumed. Mated pairs slow danced to the music, unmated wolves grabbing a random partner and dancing anyway because why not?

I looked around again, spotting Taylor just standing near the punch bowl. He was talking to Riosa and casually sipping from a paper cup, probably full of punch. He looked to the side and saw me staring at him, causing him to choke and start coughing. I chuckled a bit, walking over to them with my hands in my pockets. Riosa was lightly hitting Taylor on the back, trying to get him to stop choking, also laughing. 

"What? Does my hotness make you choke?" I asked, jokingly.

"Fuck off," Taylor said, sounding angry but I could see his shoulders shaking in laughter. "I was just caught off guard."

Riosa laughed, taking Taylors drink away from him and walking away. We stood there awkwardly, not really talking, rocking on the balls of our feet. I coughed, trying to clear the awkwardness in the air and held out my hand. He just looked at my hand and then looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Wanna dance?" I asked, looking away from him. I missed the small smile he sent me. I looked down at him, feeling shy for some reason. He took my hand, looking up at me through thick lashes. I gulped, trying to push away the thoughts that surfaced from that oddly arousing look. 

"Sure," He said, still smiling. "I'll dance with you." 

I led him by the hand out to the crowd of slow dancing couples. He wrapped his arms around my neck, sending electric sparks through my body. It was a nice feeling, though it made me shiver. I put my hands on his waist, smiling down at him. We moved slowly, dancing around in circles and not really moving any further or closer to each other.  Eventually he rested his head on my chest, relaxing a little bit. I jumped, not expecting him to get any closer to me. He giggled, somewhat nuzzling into my chest. I raised my head to the sky, closing my eyes.

"Déesse aide-moi. Ce garçon va me tuer," I muttered.

"What?" he asked.

"No~thing! Don't worry about it!"

"Alpha Jason, there's something I have to--

"May I cut in?" A feminine voice asked. 

We both looked over to the woman standing next to us, looking at us expectantly. Taylor let go of my hand, pulling away from me with an awkward smile. I felt the coldness greet me and frowned, resisting the urge to pull him back to my body. 

"Of course," he mumbled, stepping back from us and walking away. 

I sighed, putting on a forced smile and offered her my hand. 

As we were dancing I saw Riosa jog over to Taylor, a panicked expression on his face. He leaned in close to whisper something to Taylor frantically. Taylor joined Riosa in his panicked feeling and they both looked around. He pulled on Riosas arm, pointing towards the forest and started running, pulling Riosa along with him. They ran into the forest, covering themselves in the trees. Soon after I saw a white light emerge from where Riosa and Taylor went in. I turned back towards the woman who was dancing with me, giving her a polite smile. 

"I'm sorry," I apologized, stepping back from her. "I have to go."

Yeah, I thought. I have to check on Taylor...and Riosa. I'm totally not just worried about what Riosa and Taylor are doing behind those trees...

She smiled at me, taking her hands away and stepping back.

"Of course," she said. 

I turned around and jogged over to where the two new wolves in my pack had vanished, peeking around the trees cautiously. I blinked, uncertain and rubbed my eyes. That was impossible. They were just here. How could they have vanished into thin air? I know I didn't take that long to get here? 

Strange, I thought.

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