Chapter 1

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Katherine'S POV
*Ring... ring... ring... ring*
Jesus! It's 5am and I have to get ready for high school, today is almost the last day of school and tomorrow the prom which I am not assisting because I have no partner but I don't really care. I stop thinking about it and took a hot shower, then I went to my closet and started to chose my outfit
-"Mh...maybe I could use th-" I got interrupted by a horrible voice which I recognize. My older brother.
-"You should really stop talking to yourself, you are getting me worry" he said looking at me like if I was a freak.
-"Get out of my room and stop looking at me, I'm in towel!" I yelled at him with a lot of anger.
He got out and I finally got calmed to pick my clothes. Today, my last day of school I'll be using a black short, white shirt and white vans. When I got in my clothes I started to brush my hair which was almost black and then dry it so at the end I could straight it, then I put some make up on. Then I took my purse which had my sunglasses, my wallet, my phone, some of my makeup just for an emergency and my toothbrush because I can't stand the feeling of my teeth being dirty.
When I was ready I went downstairs and had breakfast with my brother. My dad works since 4:30am and return until 7:30pm to the house so I don't see him a lot, and well my mom I don't like to talk about her... Anyways I ate breakfast and brushed my teeth again and then head up to my brothers car, he takes me to school, I don't really like driving since the accident. My brother arrived to the car, in all the way to school we didn't talk, it was really awkward and I don't know why. He put some music on and just rode to school.  When we got there I got out of the car and started to walk to my locker, in the way there I was using my phone and not putting my attention to the rest.  Suddenly I felt a body in mine and I fell down with all of my books.
-"Hey! Watch where you walk!" a masculine voice said.
Then he saw me and then he said "Sorry, it was my bad. By the way my name is Chase, Chase Grumble" with a smile which wasn't really nice, actually it was a little bit creepy.
-"Sorry Chase... hum actually I have to go" I said while I was walking away. But just when I was going away he graved my arm.
-"But before you go" God please help me "give me your number"
-"Okay, give me a paper or something" I responded. When I wrote it I walked away.
-"HEY! This isn't a number!" I walked away quicker so he didn't catch me. I wrote in the paper 811 I won't give you my number 7652. I laughed when I got to my locker because of what happened, I wasn't gonna be another one in his list. He was one of the most popular boys in school but he was also a fuckboy. I was in my locker and looked my schedule. My first class, Spanish. I don't know why we have to learn Spanish! I mean I have enough with English, well I took my books of Spanish and went to room 312. I sat almost at the end and while the teacher arrived I took my phone and played a little bit. Class started and I put attention to it until the door opened.
-"Sorry Mr... Odule? I was in the restroom" a voice that sounded familiar said.
It was him, it was Chase. He sat next to me even though there was a seat next to his best friend.
-"Hey do you have a pen that you can lend me?" He asked me.
-"No, and stop talking to me I don't like having low gra-" "Ms. Barrer and Mr. Grumble I see that you have your own party back there, so why don't you have your little party at the principal's office? I'm sure he'll love to assist." the teacher interrupted me.
I stood up graved my thing and went outside heading to the principal's office. I tried to go fast so Chase didn't talk to me. I was really mad, this was my first time that they sent me and to be honest I was scared. I stopped thinking about this when someone graved my wrists. I don't really like people touching it since it's my debility.
I started to laugh a lot.
He stopped and looked at me nervous, but then he smiled to me gently and cute.
I didn't know who he was, I had never seen him before. He has blue eyes and black hair, it was even darker than mine which I was surprised.
-"S...sorry I didn't meet to" I interrupted "Don't worry it's okay".
-"Hey uhm, my name is Dylan and I am liking for the principals office because he... well he's my father but I had never been here before" he said while his face was turning red.
-"Yes, actually I was heading there" I said with a gentle smile.
We started to walk while we talked, his hand touched mine and I saw his eyes then immediately he took his hand back, but now I took it. We continued talking about dumb things.
We both turned around and there he was, Chase looking at us with our hands together and his eyes full of anger.
He ran toward to us and punched Dylan in the face.
-"STOP IT CHASE!" I said as I graved Dylan's face with my hands.
But this didn't last long because he push me away which caused me to fall. Dylan stood up and looked y Chase.
-"She isn't your girl" he said. What has he done.
-"What?" Chase managed to say because of the adrenaline.
-"She isn't your girl and I think you have to go" Dylan said with a very calming voice.
Oh Dylan you are handsome and cute, but you need to know when to just shut up.
Chase approached to Dylan.
-"CHASE NO!" I said. But it was to late.

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