how could you know

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you don't know how it feels...

  Harry woke up gasping, trembles shaking through his entire body and cold sweat dampening his scarred skin. His eyes were stinging, veins thrumming with a nervous energy that made him twitchy and breathless, hands pressed to his chest as he rocked back and forth.

  "Hey. Hey, hey love you're alright." Someone suddenly murmured and he flinched, a burst of power erupting off of his skin. He cried out when arms wrapped around his unsettled body and tucked his teeth in against the lad's shoulder, Louis' body tensing slightly at the pain before he was relaxing and dragging Harry into his lap, hand smoothing over his back. "You need to breathe, H. Take deep breaths." His husband whispered, breath warm against his icy cheek. Harry swallowed thickly around the lump in his throat as he pulled his teeth away and settled his forehead on Louis' neck instead, eyeing the guards standing in the doorway.

  His husband cooed softly in praise, waving the burly men off so Harry's unease settled and he went limp, lashes fluttering. He was thin, thin to the point where his stomach caved and his ribs poked through his shirts, bones grotesque underneath scarred skin. His pants hung off of his skinny hips, legs looking as if they were sticks, and once bright eyes dimmed over with the emotional burden that'd been settled on his shoulders.

  Louis' fingers tickled over the knobs of his spine before he was easily scooping Harry up, pulling him against his chest after laying down in his place, trying to warm the shivering boy up. It was a bit uncomfortable, bones jamming in places they weren't supposed to be, but Louis was reluctant to move him. Especially after Harry settled into sleep again with a tiny, pained sigh.

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